Jag Panzer about to slay my hometown!

SickBoy said:
Wow, these rule!
Indeed very nice pics!

Talking about the KIT show, one can also notice that Jag Panzer had the best crowd response of the whole festival. I don't want to misestimate the other good bands by any means (Raven particularly ruled IMO) but I really felt it that way since there was such a wonderful and passionate atmosphere as if they were headliners, one of the best if not the best crowd atmosphere in the history of the festival to me. I guess that says something about the band's following in Germany.

Waiting for Chris and Mark's feelings about this :)
Michaela said:
do we have chris broderick groupies on this forum? :err: :tickled:

i like all pics so far, there aren't any more from the KIT obviously...

Duh - he's freakin' fine!! No one can be a bigger Broderick stalker than me. Zac comes close, but still no cigar.

MetalSteph said:
Duh - he's freakin' fine!! No one can be a bigger Broderick stalker than me. Zac comes close, but still no cigar.

Stop twisting the story around, and tell everyone the truth....you are stalking me, and have been since that Malmsteen show. That goes for Chris as well. You guys aren't fooling anybody. I know whats up.
Why do you think I moved to Michigan? I just got tired of all the flowers & gifts you guys were sending.