Jag Panzer about to slay my hometown!

SickBoy said:
Hey, that was the least we could do for you! :)
I hope we didn't bore you too much with the inevitable conversations in Croatian... ;)

The friend who took the pic will bring me the CD with the pix tomorrow and I'll see that I get the pix from the other guy as well. I thought about making a JP show gallery, but I figured I'd be better off with more pix.

So, you can expect a full sized photo tomorrow and I'll try making the gallery as well.
Oh well, thank you anyway. And NO, u didnt bore me at all ;)

Ok, but please, send me the pic we took before posting it, u need my approval ;) :p ok? :grin: :rock:
Back from KIT I've got nothing special to add to what Harry said about the show, that was truly awesome! Wicked setlist and performance.
I don't know about the high pitch screams though Harry, I thought they sounded great, no major sound problems from where I was. By the way The Tyrant was in fire!!! :worship:

Nice jump into the first rows of the audience by Chris as well :tickled:
And I also thought the girl on the right side of the stage was you Michaela ;)
Mrs.Mustaine said:
Ok, but please, send me the pic we took before posting it, u need my approval ;) :p ok? :grin: :rock:

No problem. But I don't see what's there to fear, after all you've got that killer smile, don't you? ;)
Oh, and I see you've proudly put "yerself behind the drumkit" image on the avatar... In the Sadus shirt if I'm not mistaken. :grin:
Keep slammin' those skins! :wave:

Maybe that's a new stage move by Chris, to jump off stage into the audience...
Too bad he couldn't perform that in Bergamo, since there almost wasn't a stage and the audience was almost standing on it. :tickled:
:grin: OH well, my killer smile isnt enough sometimes (but it's not a problem of how i look in the pic... maybe u didnt notice... if not than i'll pm u)...
Thanx, glad u like my new avatar! :) ME WANNA BE DRUMMER! :D

To be true Chris did jump off stage in Bergamo too... but it was more like walking since the stage was not more than 10 cm from the floor :lol:
Mrs.Mustaine said:
:grin: OH well, my killer smile isnt enough sometimes (but it's not a problem of how i look in the pic... maybe u didnt notice... if not than i'll pm u)...

:eek: :yow: :) :grin: :tickled: :lol:
I see the detail now!

Thanx, glad u like my new avatar! :) ME WANNA BE DRUMMER! :D

Go Mrs.Mustaine! :)

To be true Chris did jump off stage in Bergamo too... but it was more like walking since the stage was not more than 10 cm from the floor :lol:

Hmmm... I suppose I was too busy banging my head to notice a stroll... ;)

Savatage said:
p.s. Mr. Mustaine, Sickboy is the boy from Croazia?

He is (notice that "Croatian Panzer division"), but to which one of us are you referring to? There were four "boys from Croazia"... ;)
Did they really film the KIT gig for a DVD release?
If so, who knows, maybe Michaela's video will wind up in the special features section of the DVD :loco:
Or as an easter egg :Spin:

Very strange though that JP didn't play Ample Destruction in its entirety. Or did I misunderstand the announcement about the special Ample Destruction gig?
i just want to say a big "thank you" to Mrs.Mustaine. so here it goes: THANK YOU! :) if it wasnt for her we would probably still be in bergamo trying to find our way to the keller club. :D which is btw an awesome place. we could really use something like it in our town.
also, thank you for showing us around the town. it was really nice, we had a great time. i was surprised by the beauty of bergamo, especially the old part of town. i wish we had more time to stay there :(
im only sorry cause my spoken english sucks, so thats the reason why i was quiet most of the time. lol

regarding the panzer concert. dunno what else to say since sickboy covered it all. im still under a huge impression. what a great band! :worship: i couldnt believe how nice the panzer guys really are. :worship:
i was also blown away by performance of the Raising Fear. really good band. :rock:

other guy you met is ante.
it was really nice to meet you. after all, who could forget the girl with savatage tattoo :wave: :rock: ;)


yay, i finnaly decided to register on these forums. it was about time :D:loco:
SickBoy said:
:eek: :yow: :) :grin: :tickled: :lol:
I see the detail now!
Ok from your smilies I'm SURE u got it, so plz DON'T post this... :cry:

SickBoy said:
Go Mrs.Mustaine!
:rock: i will!

SickBoy said:
Hmmm... I suppose I was too busy banging my head to notice a stroll...
I think so :lol: I couldn't miss him since he walked exactly beside me :blush: :grin:

Skalabrin said:
i just want to say a big "thank you" to Mrs.Mustaine. so here it goes: THANK YOU! if it wasnt for her we would probably still be in bergamo trying to find our way to the keller club. which is btw an awesome place. we could really use something like it in our town.
also, thank you for showing us around the town. it was really nice, we had a great time. i was surprised by the beauty of bergamo, especially the old part of town. i wish we had more time to stay there
im only sorry cause my spoken english sucks, so thats the reason why i was quiet most of the time. lol
Luka! :) No problem really! I spent some nice hours with you :rock:
Don't worry, my english is not perfect either :) We had fun anyway ;)

so now u know!
Skalabrin said:
other guy you met is ante.
it was really nice to meet you. after all, who could forget the girl with savatage tattoo :wave: :rock: ;)


:blush: :grin:

I'm happy that you enjoy your time in Bergamo and you liked the old city.
I love it.

p.s. My english is surely worst than yours... :erk:
Mrs. Mustaine... didn't you promise me some photos? Damn it's lonely over here in the U.S. I wanna see too!!!!
SickBoy said:
Maybe that's a new stage move by Chris, to jump off stage into the audience...

Oh that's not new man. Los Angeles 2002. Iced Earth, In Flames, and Panzer. Just as they were leaving the stage, Chris jumped out into the crowd, and booted my friend Jeff square in the fucking head. It was brutal. I laughed for a good half hour about it.
U'r right, ok i'll post them:






Hope u like'em :)
Mrs.Mustaine said:
U'r right, ok i'll post them:

Hope u like'em :)

Awesome. Thanks Mrs. Mustaine. I owe you. You brought a smile to my face. How can i repay you? Do you like Mustaine?


He's the cocky bastard in the middle.
Katana Overlord said:
Is that a Gigantour picture? I went and soaw some shows fromt hat our this summer it was really cool.

I'm jealous of you all that got to go to KIT.

Ya that was backstage at the LA Gigantour show. Everyone waited around for mustaine, he blew us off, then walked back out for a total of 3 snaps. Jackass.