Jag Panzer about to slay my hometown!

Michaela said:
cool, i just found out i can't rely on people... i will be alone at the keep it true, 5 hours drive on my own lol very nice, :erk:
me and my friend were on the guestlist, i will film some bands there, so there is one place left now... whatever, i am just very pissed off at the moment, nevermind lol :(
Damn it, I know too well how much it sucks to drive alone for hours... but there's a reward in the end, can't wait for the Jag Panzer & Virgin Steele shows! :hotjump: And there's always a great atmosphere at the festival.

I'm leaving in a few hours by the way, listening to Thane to the Throne right now!
Fangface said:
Damn it, I know too well how much it sucks to drive alone for hours... but there's a reward in the end, can't wait for the Jag Panzer & Virgin Steele shows! :hotjump: And there's always a great atmosphere at the festival.

I'm leaving in a few hours by the way, listening to Thane to the Throne right now!

Back from my Italy trip since a few...(no,i haven't seen a JP show there)
I also have to drive alone because i couldn't convince anyone to join me.:erk: But it is just about an hour trip.:grin:
Hey Michaela,what about a stop over in Stuttgart?:grin: :grin:
Harry(not the Tyrant) said:
Cool!Do you have the setlist in your mind?How many people have been there?

I've just got back home after an exhausting 12 hour drive, whew! :)
I really can't remember the whole setlist, but I'll try to remember as much songs they've played (but not in a running order).

Fate's Triumph
Shadow Thief
Future Shock
Iron Eagle:grin:
Chain Of Command
King At A Price
Frozen In Fear
The Mission (1943)
Licensed To Kill
Generally Hostile

As you can see, only one song from the latest album and no Take To The Sky (one of the live favs, I suppose). The last two songs were in fact encores and the show lasted surprisingly short, a little bit over an hour. It was all finished to 1am, I suppose the club had a permit only until that hour. The show was supposed to start at 9pm, but there was a half hour delay, which is the amount of time in which JP could've played the rest of the setlist, on which I saw many more songs other than the ones they played there....

The attendance didn't reach not even hundred people by my estimation, but the atmosphere was over the top, at least as far as I'm concerned. :rock:
I really dig that intimate atmosphere and the direct contact with the band. The stage was really small and the instruments weren't put through the P.A. at all, only the voice mics used the P.A. But the sound was really good, the bands had/shared really good equipment. And it's not like you often get the chance to see the frontman helping the drummer to set up. Imagine Bruce Dickinson handing the cymbals to Nicko McBrain and screwing them on to the stands. :grin:
And when the intro started Harry goes like "now you imagine we come out of the darkness and the stage curtain opens".
Priceless... :tickled:

All in all, it was definitely worth the trip to see the mighty JP again, as well as Raising Fear, which me and my buddies remember from 2 years ago, when they also shared the stage with JP. The Ruffians were quite good too, but I haven't heard much material from them before the gig. Still, they were really good 80s US heavy metal, very energetic. Interesting enough, there was a fanatic in the audience who brought his Ruffians LP for signing. :)

I can only regret for the lack of this kind of happenings back home :erk: .It would be really nice to have a club like Keller here... Then again, we can always come back if something interesting is going on there. ;) Too bad we couldn't stay for Thunderstorm's gig tonight, though...

Greets to all the Jag Panzer guys, very nice to the fans and always willing to do a photo. I'm sure you slayed at KIT as you did in Keller! :worship:

A special greeting goes to Mrs.Mustaine, who showed us around the town a bit and took us to Keller (it would be relatively tough for us to find it ourselves, I suppose) :wave:
I am pissed off because most of the pics i took are useless.Guess because i used the wrong cam setting.:erk:

Impression of the crowd at the KIT(Virgin Steele on stage)

The Tyrant

The setlist was almost the same as in Bergamo except....they played "Take to the Sky" :rock: instead of "Frozen in Fear" from Mech."Legion Immortal" and another song from "Casting",i think it was "Feast..",not "The Mission". :erk:
No"Future Shock",but "The Cruzifix" :worship:
Just was wondering about why they called it "special Ample Desctruction show".Not only me expected that they are going to play the whole album.:confused: However,70 minutes perfect entertainment.Except that the soundmixer overdrived Harry's leadvocals way too much.So the powerful screams sounded awful.Same problem during the Virgin Steele gig.

Arrived late,so first band that i saw was "The Ruffians".Pretty good band.Raven kind of bored me(sure some people wanna kill me now :grin: ).
Virgin Steele were pretty good,but i didn't know any song that they played.:grin:

All in all a great festival!Sure i will come back again!
I had a great time!!! Jag Panzer forever ;) My favorite 2 songs, king at a price and Take to the sky, how can i be happier? :) I can see myself in the pic harry lol , thanks for posting it, are there any more?

they played "Battlezone" too by the way ;)
Michaela said:
I had a great time!!! Jag Panzer forever ;) My favorite 2 songs, king at a price and Take to the sky, how can i be happier? :) I can see myself in the pic harry lol , thanks for posting it, are there any more?

they played "Battlezone" too by the way ;)

:yell: So you must have been the girl that stood on the right side of the stage with the video cam,right?I wasn't sure about if it's you...

Do you know who the little kid was sitting on that small wooden footbridge praising JP in front of the stage?That was cute.

Well,i have some more pics,but as i said they suck.I did three small avi files(without sound).They are much better.I can send them if you want.
yeah i was that girl ;) i filmed their show, i really enjoyed it...
well i don't know whose son that boy was, but he knew every line of the JP songs lol, very cute indeed ...
would be cool if i get the files :) thank you ;)
SickBoy said:
A special greeting goes to Mrs.Mustaine, who showed us around the town a bit and took us to Keller (it would be relatively tough for us to find it ourselves, I suppose) :wave:
:grin: my pleasure :) U guys are soooo nice! Thanx for the dinner and thanx for the nice day spent together!

And THANX for sending me the pix we took all together with the band :rock: I know u will soon :P :worship:


Hey Cri,
good to see you here too :) :wave:
Michaela said:
yeah i was that girl ;) i filmed their show, i really enjoyed it...

Ummm... Would it be possible for me to somehow get that footage? :grin:

Mrs.Mustaine said:
:grin: my pleasure :) U guys are soooo nice! Thanx for the dinner and thanx for the nice day spent together!

Hey, that was the least we could do for you! :)
I hope we didn't bore you too much with the inevitable conversations in Croatian... ;)

And THANX for sending me the pix we took all together with the band :rock: I know u will soon :P :worship: :wave:

The friend who took the pic will bring me the CD with the pix tomorrow and I'll see that I get the pix from the other guy as well. I thought about making a JP show gallery, but I figured I'd be better off with more pix.

So, you can expect a full sized photo tomorrow and I'll try making the gallery as well.