

I love Pyramid Head
Ah... Janne, sorry to disturb you, but I'm curious now. A friend told me that CoB is planning to release a DVD. Could you tell me if this is true? If it is, when it's going to be released?

Sorry, ppl, but as Janne is online, I had to ask. Ignore this thread please.

At least I tried
Janne, may I ask you sthg bout Masterplan?
I wanted to buy their cd but if it's not you playing the keys it's not worth it ;)
did you have to completely get out of the band?
I thought Alexi said in the metal-rules.com interview that they are planning to release it on 2004, not earlier because they want it to be very good and not rushed.
Here it is..


I remember you had these plans to release a Children of Bodom DVD with them some time ago. What happened with those plans?

Well, we´ll put one out eventually, but we don´t want it to be any rushed project. We still need more footage for it and we want it be be professional and all that. It won´t come out in 2003 yet, but maybe a year after that in 2004 or something.

I'll have to buy a DVD player by then.. :)
But DVD Players or DVD Rom Drives are cheap for quite some time now... lol that's really surprising, I thought everyone owned one these days