delt said:Hello Mr. Janne W(i,a)rman, it's an honor to get a reply from you!! ("that dude is out of his fuckin mind isn't he!!" -- Alexi on the Paris bootleg) --- btw how is your wounded leg, i hope it gets better now... ?
> There are bynch of broken keys that don´t work so I marked them with black tape, few
> black keys that don´t work are marked with white tape, logical isn´t it? Just to let me know
> which keys are useless during solos and stuff...
damn... if i was playing on a guitar with some frets missing or defective, i'd definitely fix it or throw it away and get a new one. doesn't it become f±@?£¢n annoying or limiting that some keys don't work???
> The dude DID change presets. My sounds are never triggered or the keyboard split except
> for the sound that is on during solo battles with Alexi.
Ah, i didn't see him change anything. But why did he play 3 notes to do an ork hit sound?
I was right in front, about 2 meters away from you at the 15 dec. show, if you looked at the audience near the end of your set, i'm the guy who got grabbed by 2 assholes behind me and got an elbow smashed in my face, right in front of a security guy. Those 2 got kicked out anyway.
.... and about that low D in the "solo battles", do you hold it with your left hand and do the solos all with your right? that's fuckin impressive man....!!!! i've never seen it live (you didn't do a solo duel in Montréal![]()
) so i can't know.
Thats how orch "impact" hits are played, it gets the high part of a chord, like in Needled, that first "DUN DUH" in the beginning, and then you put that root lower octave for depth and power. play a 4th/or 5th with the root, and the lower octave of the root. I tried this at guitar center, I did the part in downfall with Orch hits, and the keys guy was like "that sounds cool as shit" haha.delt said:He was playing an inverted 5th with one hand (dont remember which) and a note about 2 octaves away with the other hand, and it gave one orch.hit note. sorry i'm not a keyboard player so i'm not expert at this stuff![]()
If you take the basic major scale, the main scale for which ALL muic is based, it is the fifth note in the scale. Example - the circle of fifths is a guide to such scales, as they modulate. The first major scale is in the key of C, going in a tetra chord pattern (C, D,E,F,G,A,B,C). If you think of each fret on a guitar, or each key on a keyboard as a "half step" you will see that the note go in a pattern of WHOLE WHOLE HALF, WHOLE WHOLE HALF, a whole step being 2 frets (keys), and a half being one. now, if you start on C the fifth is the fifth tone of the scale, so remember the scale, (C, D,E,F,G,A,B,C), the fifth would be the G note because 1-C, 2-D, 3-E, 4-F, 5-G, if you wanted the 3rd, which most harmonies are contrived of, it would be the E note because 1-C, 2-D, 3-E. So a 5th chord would be the root note, whatever that may be, and the 5th note of the scale layed together in harmony. You do this all the time when you play guitar, its called a power chord.HauknessX said:what the hell is a 5th chord?
delt said:it's 2 notes that are 7 halfsteps apart. The lower one is the root, and the upper one is the "fifth" relative to the root.
An inverted fifth is simply the same thing but with the upper note an octave lower, ie. 5 halfsteps below the root. So the root is the upper note now. If you take an inverted fifth and consider the lower note as the root, then it becomes a sus4 interval (a "fourth"). Depends on the musical context.
bobvex said:If you take the basic major scale, the main scale for which ALL muic is based, it is the fifth note in the scale.
Every scale ever was dirived from the major scale. All those modes, everything, are just variations from the major scale. I know what im talking about, my grandfather has been teaching music for over 40 years now. He taught me the basics, but I still need to learn how to read. The basis for ALL music, not just today's, is the major scale.the_drip said:....suuuure it is. HAven't listened to John Cage's music much have you. Western music has used the major and minor modes as the groundwork for the majority of all the music we hear today. bUt man, there's a hell of a lot more to music than just the Major (ionian) scale.
Well hey, it's the man's lucky keyboard.. kinda like the same red underwear you're rumored to wear all the time.bobvex said:Just the feel of it is that much better than the other ones??
bobvex said:Every scale ever was dirived from the major scale. All those modes, everything, are just variations from the major scale. I know what im talking about, my grandfather has been teaching music for over 40 years now. He taught me the basics, but I still need to learn how to read. The basis for ALL music, not just today's, is the major scale.