Japanese Jacksons


Handful of Nothing
Aug 27, 2001
I was playing on a jackson at a guitar store with emgs and a nice floyd rose trem. system and was really digging the sound, but it turned out to be made in japan.

Are the US versions really worth it? Whats the big discrepancy between them?

Hmmm I think it was the mg seris, it has the turbo booster nob thingy on it. :D I wish I looked at the model name.
WarHead said:
I was playing on a jackson at a guitar store with emgs and a nice floyd rose trem. system and was really digging the sound, but it turned out to be made in japan.

Are the US versions really worth it? Whats the big discrepancy between them?

Hmmm I think it was the mg seris, it has the turbo booster nob thingy on it. :D I wish I looked at the model name.

What you described sounds exactly like the Jackson DKMG I have.
I love it..... :bah: except for the pickups.
It have emg pick ups? The one I was playing didnt sound too bad. I guess I'll just get emg81s or something.
WarHead said:
It have emg pick ups? The one I was playing didnt sound too bad. I guess I'll just get emg81s or something.

Yeah, they're EMG-HZ's, they're designed just for Jackson guitars, and they suck in the long-run, trust me....
Well, I do have a terrible amp, but, my problems don't lie solely in the amp.
If I were you, I'd buy it and swtich the pickups out, it's a great guitar other than those damn HZs.
I'm swtiching out mine to a 81 in the neck and an 85 in the bridge....eventually
WarHead said:
Are the US versions really worth it? Whats the big discrepancy between them?

The big difference is that the US models are built by hand by the same people that work in the Jackson Custom Shop. The japanese guitars are all machine routed/painted and probably don't have the same degree of quality control as the US ones.

Also, most US models are neck-through rather than bolt-on, have original Floyds rather than licenced copies, bound ebony finger boards, real Mother of Pearl in the inlays and they usually come with Seymour Duncan pickups.

The EMG-HZ's are inferior to the real EMG's, just like Drac says. You'll find them on ESP's LTD series too. It is possible that the guitar might've been fitted with active EMG's + afterburner, but in that case the pickups are an aftermarket add-on. BTW, a guitar always sounds better in a shop. :lol:

WarHead said:
I was playing on a jackson at a guitar store with emgs and a nice floyd rose trem. system and was really digging the sound, but it turned out to be made in japan.

Are the US versions really worth it? Whats the big discrepancy between them?

Hmmm I think it was the mg seris, it has the turbo booster nob thingy on it. :D I wish I looked at the model name.

I have a Jackson KV2, which is a USA made, and I played a KV4, which is Japanese, and they both played very well. It was actually quite difficult to determine if either was superior. Sad, because I payed 1500 for the KV2, and the KV4 was just under 1000. Although I don't regret for one second, shelling out that kind of money for my axe. I totally love it.
I'm playing a japanese DK2. And i love it. The only thing i don't like that much are the pickups. They are duncan designed. Maybe I'll change them to emgs or original Seymour Duncan in near future. But that's it.

Some years ago i got the chance to test a SL1. It was shortly after i bought the DK2. And i didn't realise a very big difference at that time. I think that the Jackson guitars made in Japan are excelent for their price.
These days there are some noticable differences...

The hardware, wood selection and build quality of the USA's are superior. At one time this wasn't true. The Japanese shop has made a lot of one offs, and their guitars are built in pretty much the same fashion as the USA guitars. In the late 80's and early 90's, they were nearly identical in quality and used the same components as the USA built guitars.

Without writing a long story, yes USA Jacksons are worth every penny, IMO. I've quite a few of them, and their build quality smokes any of the major manufacturers (Ibanez, Gibson, Fender, PRS, etc..).
i have the jackson dkmg guitar, as people were saying before, the only thing i don't like is the pickups, and the turbocharger don't relly do much for me........
Japanese jacksons are everybit as good as the USA models IMO. just crappy hardware is all it is. the rest is overall beautiful. The flame top on my KE-3 is beautiful. The Q/C on the Jackson imports is good. Just dont buy one if the fucks from guitar center touched it.
IcedEarth725 said:
Japanese jacksons are everybit as good as the USA models IMO. just crappy hardware is all it is. the rest is overall beautiful. The flame top on my KE-3 is beautiful. The Q/C on the Jackson imports is good. Just dont buy one if the fucks from guitar center touched it.

Yeah guitar center fucked me over with my seven string. Its Floyd rose system was fucked up. But I tested everything out and it plays nicely.....speaking off which..... ::runs off to shred::
WarHead said:
Got it! I love it and cant put it down,..,.eeeeee,..,.,gonna go shred right now!!:headbang:

Fuckin sweet!!!! You will not be sorry.

As for me, I really want a PRS Custom (22 or 24, not sure which), in Emerald Green. Unfortunately, it will be a few years... :(
Hearse said:
My Japanese Kelly
With Seymore Duncan Invader pick-up
I love it, USA models are way overated imho.

USA models aren't way overrated, they're some of the best guitars in the world. The imports are actually way underrated.