
I have that CD. It's ok. It's progressive Power Metal and the guitar player wants to show everybody how good he can play.

Jaska was asked if he would play drums for this album. It's not even sure if he'll be on the next album. His drumming is ok but not very spectacular. I guess he saved all his good ideas for COB. But in the end of the last song he shows what he can do. That's really impressing.
Gotta check out all Bodom member's side projects..

Jaska with Virtuocity
Janne with Warmen
Alexi with Sinergy (don't like them too much)

and... does Hennka have a side project too?

Last but not least...cud u tell me the titles of the Impaled Nazarene album featuring Alexi? (I know Ale's there ;) )

:D thanks
Alexi plays in Impaled Nazarene´s Nihil album.

And I just heard some songs for Virtuocity, it´s good but could be better :)

Alexi and Ale also made the backing vocals for Norther.
i got all those albums :)
great stuff.
talking about virtuocity, those kinda bands could be great if only they slapped in some nasty growling vocals. still i like it but cant listen to the "had ya nuts caught in a door" voice for long.