Rocky Raccoon
I am the Walrus
Jesse- said:Well I have something to say too. Firstly, why do you talk about the most respected and famous drummers? Let's put those aside now and concentrate on the topic at hand. And you just only refer to what some other drummer would or has said. The question is, do you know anything yourself?
And secondly, as I said earlier (please read my other comments on this thread as well), Joey Jordison is one of the most overrated metal drummers. All those kids who listen to Slipknot are like "Joey is the best drummer in the world!", even if they didn't know anything about drums. Starting to get why he is so well-known? You can just look at his solos, there is NOTHING creative there (compare to Jaska's solos).
Go see my other comment in the previous page, where I explained some very nice and good sounding tricks he likes to do often. (There is a link to his new solo). After that, if you still say he is just "run-of-the-mill", then I can just have my doubts on how educated you really are. And in case you didn't know, Jaska is heavily influenced by jazz and jazzdrummers, and you can really hear that.
well frankly I don't give a shit what you have to say on previous pages, Fact is Joey is a better drummer, if you disagree thats fine, I don't care. All that tells me is you either havnt gave both drummers a proper listen or you just don't know what your talking about or my personal favourite and most likely the one that most of you suffer from, you are COB fanboys who don't know any better...
Don't even get me started on the drum sound for the new album either, its god awful and sounds completely unnatural.
The only thing I can agree with you on is that Joey is over-rated in the eyes of some Slipknot fans (just as Jaska seems to be here) If you guys wana hear a guy with technique AND taste in the metal genre, I suggest you make your way to the Opeth forum and listen to Martin Lopez