Jason Rullo Drum Clinic

i cant make it that day:waah: but i can tell you from his clinic in Toms River last summer that its a great experience, and Jason is a real nice guy, a great player (real versatile, too) and a great teacher. I learned so much from just watching him play and listening to what he said. He did some crazy soloing and played Death of Balance (and more) last summer and my jaw was on the floor. In-frkn-credible. Any drummers who are free that day should try their hardest to get on over to Toms River.
I'm going!!!!!! My check went out today, and my name is allegedly on the list! :rock: Ahhh i'm so pumped up, and blabbermouth just updated with this:

"The August 21 appearance is being described as a "master class," featuring hands-on instruction, including charts and playing with a bass player. A registration fee is required, and limited seating is available. Call (732) 505-6080 for more information. "

So now i'm scared :loco: . It's going to be so awesome though!!!!!:rock: :rock: :rock:
don't worry I know you'll have a great time.. I went last year, and it was ALOT of fun, Jason is just TOO cool!! No worry's bro.:cool:

I just wish I could go, but w/the sudden illness in my family (mother) I am staying close to home,,:cry: But I wish Jason the best, and hope this one gets him even more attention, he is a GREAT drummer and should get more recognition for his talent.
Plus he's very fun to watch at a class.:worship:
You will not be dissappointed, i'm sure.:Spin:

Even if you are not a drummer (like me :-) You will still enjoy this. All you need to be is a music lover.. :rock:
Have a great time for me,.....too.
My roomate at school is from Lititz....crazy..

anyways, it was pretty cool, the only really talented drummer there was a student of Jason's, so go figure. he went over a bunch of odd time signature stuff with the group and then had us playing stuff he wrote out along with a bassist friend of his. it was cool experience, i'd go again if i had the chance.
yeah my drummer went to the master class, he said that not many people had gone up to try everything out, but jason was awesome and stayed like an hour past when it should have ended...and he played the death of balance for him...im so jealous