
Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
Hey JD here I am incredibly Busy with school last 5 days of the term coming up and a SHITTON of things to do BUT I just wanted to let Y'all who are attending know I WILL BE THERE! bought my tick last night... I cant wait to see you guys! and I cant wait for a fucking vacation! also I will be passing the Package along to the next person that weekend ... anyways I gotta crash Very tired ... life has been long and hard the past month :loco:

Wait till I get you
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I don't think JD drinks anymore, Wyv. But being a fledgeling chef, I'll bet he brings a nice blend of herbs to the show. :Smokin:

I don't drink (alcohol) either. But we can get wasted on Sprite :saint:
It just would not be the same without you! :kickass:
JD that is the absolute best news I've had in a while! :kickass: :headbang: It wouldn't have been the same without you. It's getting better and better the closer it gets to PP.
JonnyD said:
:) its gonna be awsome to see you Brent! its been a hard year ... not just school but everything else, will be very nice to hang out with you

I've got a coupla discs for you I overordered that I think you'll like. I'll bring them along. Yeah, it's going to be hella fun. When are you getting in?
Wheezer said:
I've got a coupla discs for you I overordered that I think you'll like. I'll bring them along. Yeah, it's going to be hella fun. When are you getting in?

I am not sure yet but Probably on Thursday regardless if I go to the Preshow or not ... when are you getting in? we should hook up at the airport again!
JonnyD said:
I am not sure yet but Probably on Thursday regardless if I go to the Preshow or not ... when are you getting in? we should hook up at the airport again!

I'm getting in on Wednesday this year. There's a few of us going to the airport that night to get Brother Vern so if'n it works out I'd definitely look forward to going to the airport just for the ride back on the train with you to shoot the shit and catch up.
Wheezer said:
I'm getting in on Wednesday this year. There's a few of us going to the airport that night to get Brother Vern so if'n it works out I'd definitely look forward to going to the airport just for the ride back on the train with you to shoot the shit and catch up.

hehehe ok cool I will let you know my expected arrival time when I know :kickass:
HELP! I need to start listening to the bands that will be playing the fest... I have the new Maiden on a constant loop at work at home and in the car :loco: