Jeans... Y U NO FIT?

I'm not looking for fucking pantaloons, so getting a bigger size will not help, and who doesn't wear a belt with jeans anyway...? It's par for the course
I have the same problem here. I went out looking for Jeans and all i could find was fucking skinnies or things that make you look like you have rickets.
Ended up buying a pair in Austin Reed, don't think i've ever felt more out of place in a shop haha
Boot-cut, or straight leg for me. The best fitting jeans I've found are Aeropostale brand. They are usually around $30-$40 US, slightly cheaper than most Levis, BUT you have to try on their jeans before you buy them. Even two pairs that are supposed to be the same style and size will fit differently, but once you find that magic pair, they will get a lot of use!
It costs literally $12 to have jeans tailored to fit your legs a bit closer. Buy something that fits in the crotch/waist and is made of good denim/has a wash you like and then have the legs tapered in.
It costs literally $12 to have jeans tailored to fit your legs a bit closer. Buy something that fits in the crotch/waist and is made of good denim/has a wash you like and then have the legs tapered in.

If jeans fit my quads, they're loose around the crotch/waist. And I'm pretty slim, I can't imagine what it'd be like for Krispies (sorry man I always forget your name).

I bought my first pair of skinny jeans this year. I always thought they were like real denim, and wondered how it was possible to even move, but they're really stretchy, more comfortable than normal jeans.
Tried on some women's jeans once... bad idea.. those things are basically castrating devices lol

Whenever I buy new 501s, I get them to the tailor and have them cut exactly like my old previous pair (or adjust, if necessary).

I love Jack & Jones jeans, they've got skinny (which i don't like), tight (which i love) and regular and pretty much everything. However if you kinda look like Hulk like Tony does, might not be the best place to go to. My 2 best pairs are definitely some I bought from them, and while they're not cheap, they're not like Diesel or anything. Best is to go when there's a sale.

And there might be douchebags/guidos to buy the flashiest jeans, but try not to notice them haha.
Boot-cut.... The best fitting jeans I've found are Aeropostale brand. They are usually around $30-$40 US, slightly cheaper than most Levis, BUT you have to try on their jeans before you buy them. Even two pairs that are supposed to be the same style and size will fit differently, but once you find that magic pair, they will get a lot of use!

Thats what I get! And thats also the exact problem you run into with them ...

Those and the Gap jeans I have now ... same shit, boot cut .... different size cause what works for the Aeros don't work for Gap

Aeros I'm like 31/33, Gap is 32/32 but its amazing what one point of difference in waist or leg length makes overall
Yeah I rock them 36/34's (need a belt) but the whole low rise thing kills me. I feel like my ass is hanging out and if I pull them up a little they are fucking strangling my fucking shit down there. I actually have a pair of jeans I bought at a Wall Mart on tour somewhere that fit me better than my Levi's.

I'm still thinking of trying skinny jeans but I feel they'll make me look like a fucking douchetard.
The high rise waist is too high and the low rise waist is too low. Fucking kills me.

And if you don't wear a belt with jeans you're a fucking communist.
Never tried women's jeans. I have recently tried rather slim jeans (here in Germany), and they work great. I'm a goddamn slim guy weighing about 170 pounds at 6 feet 4 . close to 80 kilo and 1,91 meters for our european friends (NOT to be confused with the emo fags some of you see on a daily basis), and they work perfectly. They don't look tight but rather adequate. I used to wear more or less casual jeans and they just sucked. TOO baggy pants make you look like a douche, too skinny pants will make you look like a pussy.
I didn't really wanted to say, but I didn't just tried on women's jeans, I actually bought them :lol:

Got a tight pair and my balls almost exploded (and not in a good way), got another pair (bigger sized) and once again, the baby maker did not agree with them.
The g/f back then laughed her ass off quite a bit, as I had to give her both pairs of pants.

Still, those jeans complimented my ass like no others :blush:
That's te difference between women's and man's jeans

The ball sack, and the baggy rear end that feels like an adult diaper-