
dude, I just was curious why you would jump on me is all; this board contains some wildly divergent points of view and if I've all of a sudden become darth maul or something someone please let me know. :) if anyone here ever has a problem with me, just let me know and we'll work it out - believe it or not my first thought in the morning is not concerning how I'll piss someone off today.

you fucker:Spin:
Also because of the bold text denoting that he as a swastika tattoo will sooner or later have you blaming his potential right-wing motives and/or a Varg Vikernes comparison. ha-ha now I've ruined your fun. Go home.

for fucks sake hahahaha

what you reckon its not relevant?
I doubt lizard was having a go at facism with the post, so I will

having met quite a few dimwit racist, right wing bigots who also happen to be complete nutjobs (including some with paramiltary leanings) I'd say there was a connection with this right wing need to hate disguised as pride (in country / race / religion) with lower intelligence and low self esteem leading to a sheeplike mentality
thats needs to label races or religions inferior to thier own to have any 'pride'

fucking wankers

SS General was my favorite Sven Hassel book
seriously I did indeed highlight that phrase, because sometimes it just seems so ... typical. when was the last time we read a good dismemberment/beheading story involving a pipe smoking liberal college professor? but my goal was not to stick my dick in moose's garbage disposal :lol:

whatever....I love you all!

a guy goes to the shrinks office and says: "I am having troublemaking friends ... you fucking' cocksucker!"

Holy shit, I stumbled across that image JUST YESTERDAY when doing a Google image search for "fish taco." :Spin:
hahhaha .... i got it searching for "fish taco" also ... hahahahah
fugured this thread needs some derailing.
what do you use for a map in Afghanistgan?


[/lame joke] [/attempt poking fun indirectly at JK]
hahahhhahhahahahhhahhaa the minds of men in action: "huhuhuuuuhuh fish taco" *goes to Google*

Note to self: don't read this thread when the office is quiet. :hypno: