Jeebus, remember this????


Crustacean Grinds Inc.
Jul 12, 2004
Okay, I know this is old and I can't remember if this was already on the board back in the day but I accidentally bumped into this on the net and dug it up:

It's from the post S11 Anthrax scare.

This has to be the most reactionary, uninformed article I've EVER read about a band, Anthrax or otherwise. It's hilarious!!!!! It reads like a Spitz interview!

Grind core, huh?:lol:
"Anthrax appears to be the name of a new "Grind-Core" rock band who are prepared to take controversy beyond the bounds of good taste and decorum, and into the realms of Satanic depravity.

Apparently they have a new CD out hatefully entitled 'Spreading the Disease' which is full of songs praising bioterrorism "

have you ever seen that guy's retraction to the article? Apparently, a lot of Anthrax fans e-mail him and whatnot, pointing out all of the factual errors and bullshit that he wrote. His apology was almost as funny as the article. Too bad I can't find it.
Karina_666 said:
have you ever seen that guy's retraction to the article? Apparently, a lot of Anthrax fans e-mail him and whatnot, pointing out all of the factual errors and bullshit that he wrote. His apology was almost as funny as the article. Too bad I can't find it.
I found it for you.

I spent some time perusing some of the posts on the original article. This one has to be my favorite:
"usually unpatriotic and unAmerican. I believe I made that point in my review on Rock Star eariler on this point, heavey metal bands are typically pawns of an unhealthy, unAmerican plot of the vast homosexual conspiracy. Indeed, this Anthrax would have to do a tour unplugged and playing Handel's Messiah before I would allow any teenager of mine to listen to them."

I didn't realize that we metalheads are all part of a homosexual conspiracy.:lol:
You didn't know???????????:OMG:

So, are you, like...... just here for the music or somethin'?

I'm glad the guy cleared up the fact that "There is no evidence that Anthrax ever spent any time in an Air conditioned Winnebago
" in his retraction. That pissed me off the most:p
Insane. Totally compelling stuff though. Could you imagine spending a day looking at the world through that guys eyes. What a long strange trip that would be.