Jeff Loomis Solo Recording

shredders will only buy this piece of living in the mid 80's quitar wanking, i.e please see new satchone and see how is now john mclaiughlin[loomis]
at least wd's is saleable/salvagable....

every shredder that buys it is one more potential NM fan - if they aren't already....jeff deserves to get as much recognition in the guitar world as he can!
every shredder that buys it is one more potential NM fan - if they aren't already....jeff deserves to get as much recognition in the guitar world as he can!

Yeah, as if he hasn't already had enough oral sex from Guitar World magazine, lets give him even more so he wanks even harder on the next Nevermore album!

Is what I wanted to say, but like I decided yesterday I'm going to keep my musical opinions to myself so I'm not gonna say it.