Jeff Loomis Vid from NAMM this past weekend

my guitar must be broken or something cuz for some reason those cool sounds dont happen when i pick it up
In general, I'm not a Loomis fan. I think he lacks some soul needed to grab me and stir emotions. A handful of bends doesn't make something have feeling, and solos aren't scale exercises.

BUT....I calls em like I sees em, and he is one of the best technical shredders around today, and it would take me 5 years of constant practicing to acheive what he's doing, and maybe that wouldn't even be enough! The stuff he pulls off in his namm videos is just sick I tell you. sick sick sick!
Finally got my pictures uploaded! Anyways..I got to watch him both days..what a treat! I got there early so I could get in front of the crowd that piled up right before he played. Whats even cooler about Jeff is not only is he a great player, but he's a very cool guy to talk to. After the first day he played, I got a chance to talk to him afterwards. He was very down to earth and answered any questions I had and even threw a few my way(once we started talking about tubescreamers). Anyways...a few things he told me.

1) He loves using the tube screamer to tighten up his tone(duh).
2) His solo record is about done, and Warrell's is completed.
3) This Godless Endeavour was his favorite Nevermore album that they made.
4) Nevermore is on a bit if a hiatus right now, but once they get back in action he'll want Sneap to do it(no kelly gray i asked..haha)



and for the gear nerd in all of us....
