Jeff Scott Soto Confirmed for ProgPower USA XVI

Knowing Glenn, special guest appearance on guitar by Yngwie Malmsteen lol...hell, if you're a God, you pull off godly things. Glenn, you never cease to amaze me! Great job!
Let. Me call the wife and make sure she hasn't passed out from excitement!! I am shocked and awed at this Glenn! Huge upgrade
Wow, been a fan forever, and never seen him live, This should be awesome!

Another incredible rebound from last minute issues. Awesome job to ALL involved. :Spin:
From your annoying "but loyal" fan, Thank You Glenn!!!! I've wanted to see JSS live again for years. This man can sing anything and its instantly entertaining. A excellent all-around professional singer that can sing a wide range of songs and genres.
Seriously, Glenn? That's just amazing! I was so bummed losing Morgana Le
Fay, but totally understood the situation. Was completely resigned to just enjoying the fest as it stood but you really have done the unbelievable. Thank you so much. Do the sponsors of MLF now transfer show privileges to Jeff's set?
Seriously, Glenn? That's just amazing! I was so bummed losing Morgana Le
Fay, but totally understood the situation. Was completely resigned to just enjoying the fest as it stood but you really have done the unbelievable. Thank you so much. Do the sponsors of MLF now transfer show privileges to Jeff's set?

If they so wish.
That really is awesome to come up with such a replacement in short a short order. Awesome that Jeff Scott Soto is also ready and willing to step up to the plate like that on such short notice as well. Looking forward to getting to see and meet the guy.
I recognize the name because I pay attention to Blabbermouth and this forum, but I am honestly not too familiar with his body of work. I remain a bit ambivalent, in the same way I was when Jorn was announced. I know that lots of people dig him. But I don't know if I have time to gain an appreciation for his work to be super engaged in his set.

I do know who he is, so I'm happy for the people who are excited. I'd pay full price for a ticket for Falconer and Anathema, so the rest is a bonus. I'll watch from the back until I decide if I'm digging it. Otherwise, I'll hang in the lobby like I did for Pain of Salvation.