Does that make it a bad album? Fuck no! That album is great.
I didn't say it was a bad album. I just said it was simple to learn.
Who cares if some of the riffs are simple and Loomis uses the same pattern of gitar playing or waht ever you were taling about. Does it really matter that much? You make it seem like an album with guitar work that isn't out of this fucking world is shit.
I was actually talking about song-structure... not guitar playing. But not that you mention it, yeah, that is the reason i got into nevermore. I bough POE when i came out because Jeff's guitarwork absolutely blew me away, yet he had written some really good songs.
If Joe Satriani started using a simple chord-progression like what was mentioned, and he started playing three-note solos, would you think less of him?? Yes, of course, everyone would.
I don't think DHIADW is shit, and no, guitarwork doesn't have to be 'out of this world', for gods sake, right now i am listen to mudvayne (shame of shames!!), how simple can guitarwork get huh? I am also an avid sentenced fan.. that says it all eh?
Nevermore are capable of something so much better than DHIADW... but that doesn't mean that DH is a bad album, it just could be alot better by nevermore's standards.