Jeffs influences


Next in Line
Nov 24, 2001
Jeff doesnt happen to own a copy of John Petrucci's "Rock Discipline" does he because when hearing Dead Heart I heard a simlarity in there.

Maybe its me but either way Jeff has really stepped up a notch or two in his playing with some great solos on that record and i cant wait to see what the next record has to offer.
Well some times you don't have to run with the bulls to prove how fast or "hip" you are .I think the solo in Believe in Nothing
shows the man's soul and feel . Maybe you have been playing for a few year's 'maybe in a few more after you have out raced yourself you will realize that your friend's aren't impressed anymore.

Just tryn' to piss off the massive!!!@@
I've played for a pretty long time, but that isn't an issue.

If i wanted to hear some dude play three chords (I IV V... every single fucking time on DHIADW), i would listen to something like staind, not nevermore.

I May be fucked up !!!! But if you can tell me what riff that is I would like to try it cause I have a hard time with i8u4 A i4ai

And by the way the dude from Staind was taught by Tony Macalpine and was offered the gig to play in his band (I know I will admit :::Why is he playing in a band with a whinin'bitch who sings about life being hell because his dad DID not buy him that bag of chips????

No need for me to find out where you live
I May be fucked up !!!! But if you can tell me what riff that is I would like to try it cause I have a hard time with i8u4 A i4ai

There is lots of I IV V scattered about the place. It is surprising the amount of bands that rely on that formula, namely In Flames, and (lately) Soilwork too. (Take a listen to the song 'Dreaming Neon Black', where WD is singing 'meet me in the drowning etc', and listen to the chord progression... it's a WELL used one)

It's a shame, because there is some really brillian songwriting within the POE album.

I can't think off the top of my head which songs use it, but listen to the chorus from Narcosynthesis, Heart Collector... I think 169 uses it too, but i'm not sure, i haven't got my guitar with me a the moment to check... it's either evolution 169 or Engines of hate, I can't remember off the top of my head.

The whole album is REAL simple to learn, extremely basic structures and simply riffs... There is only one spot that trips me up, and i think (?) it's in narcosynthesis, where he plays this weird arpeggio lead... hmmm...

TRAPPED in regard to the simple runs, maiden and stuff, teh retro sound...were quite trendy a couple of years.

Now its the BASS SOLO THING/
Originally posted by Trapped
The whole album is REAL simple to learn, extremely basic structures and simply riffs...

Does that make it a bad album? Fuck no! That album is great.

But you know, I think that I MIGHT(this is a bug fuckin maybe) like IM more, thus making it my fav album. IM is so fucking godly. Every somg on it is psychoically high calibur beauty. It just blows me away. Optimist or Pessimist- aweseom as hell, Matricide- enough said. just listen to it, In Memory- woah. can you say powerful and gorgeous and fucking everything. holy shit, Silent Hedges/Double Dare- wicked. purely wicked as hell. fuck. good. Excellent cover, The Sorrowed Man- pure beauty and has really nice lyrics. Their is not ONE THING on the album that is below perfect. nothing. every single damn thing, absolutely EVERYTHING is 10 out of 10. Even though it's only 5 songs, ithink it may be the best.

Anyway, DHIADW is great. Who cares if some of the riffs are simple and Loomis uses the same pattern of gitar playing or waht ever you were taling about. Does it really matter that much? You make it seem like an album with guitar work that isn't out of this fucking world is shit.
Well it was a topic about Jeff's technique from the beginning and not about DH...but anyway when I know that NVRMR can deliver albums with much greater depth than DHIADW,I'm a bit dissappointed cause I see them wasting their talent somehow...although it is,yes,a very very good album.
Does that make it a bad album? Fuck no! That album is great.

I didn't say it was a bad album. I just said it was simple to learn.


Who cares if some of the riffs are simple and Loomis uses the same pattern of gitar playing or waht ever you were taling about. Does it really matter that much? You make it seem like an album with guitar work that isn't out of this fucking world is shit.

I was actually talking about song-structure... not guitar playing. But not that you mention it, yeah, that is the reason i got into nevermore. I bough POE when i came out because Jeff's guitarwork absolutely blew me away, yet he had written some really good songs.

If Joe Satriani started using a simple chord-progression like what was mentioned, and he started playing three-note solos, would you think less of him?? Yes, of course, everyone would.

I don't think DHIADW is shit, and no, guitarwork doesn't have to be 'out of this world', for gods sake, right now i am listen to mudvayne (shame of shames!!), how simple can guitarwork get huh? I am also an avid sentenced fan.. that says it all eh?

Nevermore are capable of something so much better than DHIADW... but that doesn't mean that DH is a bad album, it just could be alot better by nevermore's standards.
People need to stop analizing everything so much. I know someone who has been playing guitar for along time and after studying music theory exstensivly he can no longer enjoy any music because he automatically analizes everything he hears. He realizes it to and it makes me so sad.... So lets just listen to the music and enjoy it guys!:spin:
Well said chap. With me playing guitar for a fair bit, im not special but because of it i can pick out whats crap and whats not. Im suprised of the reaction this post got with people complaining about this album. you have to remember this is alot of peoples favourite album.

Jeff doesnt write music to please other guitars players although most of his stuff does please guitar players anyway. Theres only a few who do and ask yourself this question. How many album copies has your band sold? Although Nevermore arent raking in as much as they deserve, they are writing the music they love and are happy with it and will make changes if they feel they are heading in the wrong direction.

WD has asked the fans about their opinion on the seven string for instance. Just give them a break and bang your head again and sing to Inside four walls or something.

UNwind to some nevermore. \m/:)
How many album copies has your band sold? Although Nevermore arent raking in as much as they deserve, they are writing the music they love and are happy with it and will make changes if they feel they are heading in the wrong direction.

What does it matter how many copies my band has sold huh? What the hell does that have to do with anything??

-I- am writing the music I love and I am happy with it too, but that doesn't mean that i have to sell a pile of records to BE happy with it.

*shakes head*

Some people.
I didnt mean that, im just saying nevermore have evidence for the success their music is having where as your calling it.

Im just saying that you dont possibly have the right to call theres until you can prove and do something better.

If your happy with your music well thats fine but there are a hell of alot more fans of dead heart inparticular then you so im sure their opinion over rules yours.

peace \m/
Originally posted by Trapped

The whole album is REAL simple to learn, extremely basic structures and simply riffs... There is only one spot that trips me up, and i think (?) it's in narcosynthesis, where he plays this weird arpeggio lead... hmmm...

Most of Black Sabbath's stuff is like that, but that doesnt mean their stuff is bad