Jeff's New Schecter Signature Guitar Ad!

ms. anthrope

back off, mofo...
Feb 12, 2002
s.f. bay area
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I like my hellraiser 7 too, I have a Carvin 7 on order but if I don't like it then I will definitely be getting one of these (I miss not having a floyd on my 7 :cry: )
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lol "Black Nevermore Cross Inlays" I've never seen those "nevermore crosses" anywhere before. first thoughts exactly, along with the "Vampyre" red satin. Are these necks REALLY as wide as they look? I've never played a seven stringer. Might be a good time to check one out; although, I'm not into the maple.
When someone here does play one, please post your thoughts on it. first thoughts exactly, along with the "Vampyre" red satin. Are these necks REALLY as wide as they look? I've never played a seven stringer. Might be a good time to check one out; although, I'm not into the maple.
When someone here does play one, please post your thoughts on it.

On the necks, they are and they aren't. It's really a hard question to answer I find.
I bought a C-7 Blackjack back in early October, and had previously been playing a Jackson DX10D for a number of years. I had been practicing some pretty "stretchy" (fingerwise) sweep patterns, so it wasn't a real big problem for me to get used to the 7 string neck. Now, it feels completely comfortable. Just the other night I pulled out the Jackson just because, and my god does that guitar feel TINY!
So yeah, they're wider. But in all honesty, when you get used to it; you'll wonder how you ever played without the extended scale and neck width. Maybe it's just the quality of this guitar or something, but I can really say that it just feels better in my hands (especially my fretting hand) than any other guitar I've played.
if this neck is the same shape as the current Hellraiser 7 it really shouldn't be
an issue (unless you have tiny hands).
My main gauitar for the last few years has been a USA Jackson SL2H soloist
and it took me about a day to get used to the bigger neck. It's very comfortable. I actually find it easier to play certain things on a 7 neck than a 6 because of the extra romm (especially up past the 12th fret)
very nice guitar but I hate floyd rose

plus It would be a lot cooler as a neck-thru