Jenna's vacation......

Someone must take her for a drive thru Beverly Hills. Maybe even go to Rodeo Drive to get a laugh at the obscene prices. Hollywood Blvd with the stars on the sidewalk are a must see.
i'm in too-
btw jenna, i'd double check before you get your hopes too high for the Back to the Future ride, i was there awhile back & thought i heard it was over. i'll check their website also. i may have a lead on cheap tix, i'll pm you if i find out.
i'm in too-
btw jenna, i'd double check before you get your hopes too high for the Back to the Future ride, i was there awhile back & thought i heard it was over. i'll check their website also. i may have a lead on cheap tix, i'll pm you if i find out.

Excellent!!! I heard a while back that the BTTF ride was changed to something else. As long as I can see the courthouse, I don't care what else is there!!! :lol:

Cool, thanks! Hopefully we can get quite a few of us going. :D
Hey, Jenna, could you please make a list of all the confirmed places you're going to go to? That way, I can see which ones I might be able to make it to. Don't know which days I'm off of work yet, but it would be cool to meet you!
I just saw another cool thing for you to do while you're here. The Aero Theater in Santa Monica is going to be showing all three Back To The Future movies on May 30th. If you're not busy that day, it might be awesome to see your favorite movies on a big screen! Check out their website for more info!
I just saw another cool thing for you to do while you're here. The Aero Theater in Santa Monica is going to be showing all three Back To The Future movies on May 30th. If you're not busy that day, it might be awesome to see your favorite movies on a big screen! Check out their website for more info!

Oh my god, I would love that so much!!!! I just watched the trilogy yesterday and today as well. :lol: We're heading out to Palm Springs that day so no can do sadly.

So far the schedule looks like this...

May 21st (taken)
May 22nd (taken)
May 23rd (Universal Studios day)
May 24th (Scots Fest in Costa Mesa)
May 25th (San Diego trip)
May 26th (Phantom Blue show)
May 30th (Joshua Tree Park and Damage Inc show in Palm Springs)

We have a few things being tossed around but nothing set in concrete as to when we are doing them. That includes stuff like trip to Long Beach and the Queen Mary, Venice Beach, touristy stuff around Hollywood etc. I'm open to ideas tho! :D Hopefully you can make it to something. Would love to meet you too!
If you get a chance on your "somewhere on tour" , you might try going to some of the actual locations where Back To The Future was filmed. Many of these spots are right here in Southern California. Might be do-able.....
There's a few nice websites which have all the details of where some of the locations are. I think if you google it, you can find 'em. (Hey, Doc Brown even used the word "Googleplex" in Part 3!)