Happy fucking birthday Jarkko! (Sorry for the childish and predictable pun
All the best to you and your studio for the coming year! Keep up the good work

All the best to you and your studio for the coming year! Keep up the good work
I feel your pain. I had a wisdom tooth that was at a really wrong angle and it eventually stabbed the nerve running to the tooth next to it. Not fun. But the pain went away almost immediately when the doctor pulled it. So hopefully you will be feeling better in no time.
Was waiting for it to hit in my time zone - happy birthday man! Hope you have the day off!
But seriously, getting your wisdom teeth pulled isn't an on-the-spot procedure usually - I had to plan mine 2 weeks in advance and it took a week to heal completely. Then again, I had two dry sockets and still have holes in the back of my mouth that food gets stuck in (2 years later).