Jerk-off Mattheiszen

A heartful thanks for the well-wishes, and especially for the rad new nickname which not only reflects my personality, but also pays homage to my most beloved hobby and sport! :D

So far my birthday plan is as follows: It's 6:40AM, I can't sleep, and I'm going to the dentist in three hours because my wisdom tooth is causing some trouble, making half of my face hurt like a motherfucker and completely messing up my verbal communication. I'm hoping they'll just pull it right off, so I can spend the rest of the day lying on the sofa and whining like a little girl. I'm sure it'll be nearly as joyful as my 21th birthday, which I spent with a bunch of friends marching knee-deep in snow, clinching to our assault rifles and trying not to collapse beneath our backpacks! :lol:

And no, I'm not a WW2 veteran. It was a common army drill, I just like to make things sound a bit dramatic.
I feel your pain. I had a wisdom tooth that was at a really wrong angle and it eventually stabbed the nerve running to the tooth next to it. Not fun. But the pain went away almost immediately when the doctor pulled it. So hopefully you will be feeling better in no time.
I feel your pain. I had a wisdom tooth that was at a really wrong angle and it eventually stabbed the nerve running to the tooth next to it. Not fun. But the pain went away almost immediately when the doctor pulled it. So hopefully you will be feeling better in no time.

Aw, that sounds nasty. Unfortunately I think it's infected, which probably means a week of antibiotics before they can rip the fucker out :mad:

By the way, disinfecting the tooth with five-dollar-gin and brushing my teeth immediately afterwards was a horrible idea. What a symphony of delightfully fresh pain all over my mouth.
Happy bday man && I had all four wisdom teeth pulled out when i was 14. I had the funniest face for like a week and a half
Was waiting for it to hit in my time zone - happy birthday man! Hope you have the day off!

But seriously, getting your wisdom teeth pulled isn't an on-the-spot procedure usually - I had to plan mine 2 weeks in advance and it took a week to heal completely. Then again, I had two dry sockets and still have holes in the back of my mouth that food gets stuck in (2 years later).
Thanks everyone, you're awesome! :)

Was waiting for it to hit in my time zone - happy birthday man! Hope you have the day off!

But seriously, getting your wisdom teeth pulled isn't an on-the-spot procedure usually - I had to plan mine 2 weeks in advance and it took a week to heal completely. Then again, I had two dry sockets and still have holes in the back of my mouth that food gets stuck in (2 years later).

Yeah, definitely having a day off since my hearing is shot until the tooth gets better :lol: My jaw-muscle-thingy-something is really sore, so whenever I swallow, my ears get locked. I'm waiting for tracks anyway, so it's no biggie!

And yup, they couldn't pull it out, because it was indeed infected. Need to take antibiotics for a week before they'll remove it. Oh well, maybe these will help. At least I hope so - my face is a twisted symphony of a thousand different pains right now :rock:
Cheers man! God fucked me with my teeth (I've been in too many bar fights at this point) and I know the pain of a wisdom tooth that just fucks all. Some spiritual cleansing with this bottle of whiskey is headed your way!
Happy birthday dude!

edit: damn just read through the thread now, such a PITA...or PITM^^
Sucks even more then the sinus infection I had on my BD 2 years ago :p
get well soon man!