Jerry and Mike


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
I have a friend driving through portland, so I'm having him stop at the Rogue to pick up some beers, there was one I had up there in march with you guys that was great, but I can't remember for the life of me which one it was... any idea which ones we had that night? Need to make this list ASAP.

Edit: Also (anyone), list off any good ones, or any good beers from the Portland area. I'm giving him 100$ for beer shopping, but can't trust his tastes enough to let him choose for me.
terminal gravity ipa is really good, highly recommended
ninkasi total domination ipa is pretty damn good as well
deschutes is always reliable, if you can't get it there the stout and porter are worthwhile
lagunitas is widely available here, not an oregon beer but everything they do is very high quality...especially the maximus if you're er...into hops :heh:
amnesia brewing co is really good shit but i'm not sure you can get it in bottles
anderson valley boont amber ale is also not quite local but common and very good
bridgeport and widmer are very very common but honestly pretty meh compared to everything else out there.

and yeah you're gonna want a lot of rogue if you know what's good for ye
You list has been noted.

He leaves tomorrow night, so I gotta compile a list along with a 100 dollar bill by noon when he stops by to pick it up.
Ah dude, I can't remember which beers we were consuming that night. All I know is mixing that caffeine pill with beer gave me the shits and I demolished the toilet at the venue.

I do know for sure we had Bridgeport's IPA at the hotel an we may have had Rogue's Hazelnut Brown and maybe their Brutal Bitter?

Since you're looking for Portland brew's then you cant go wrong with Deschutes Brewery. I found some of Bridgeport's beers to be very solid (nothing outstanding though). May want to find some of Hair of the Dog's stuff too.

Haha, you guys at least have an excuse to not remember what we had... Fuck my shit memory.

I do remember the bridgeport IPA now that it's mentioned, that is definitely going on the list under the high priority section. Can't recall the Hazelnut Brown or the Brutal Bitter.


This should be sufficient to compile my list for him though. Going mad in the head, fucking liquor stores haven't been stocking a god damn thing beer wise lately, so I've been having to drink SHIT. Friend going through Portland is a blessing from the drunkest of gods.
One more question... You think if he picks up a Growler on thursday it'd be safe till it arrives at my house on Sunday in a cooler? Or should I just have him stick to the regular bottles.

I know one micro brewer around here bottles their growlers good enough to last through the mail with proper cooling, on the other hand, another one I like barely make it the 10 minute drive without spoiling.

Which is more common?
The growler should be fine. Just make sure he keeps it nice an cool. I've had growlers of stuff that my buddy has had for 1-2 months (only went from San Diego to L.A. though) and it's tasted great. Of course, you'll want to drink it ASAP. As long as it's unopened and cool it'll be fine.
I really dug on Rogue's mocha porter, and that hazelnut brown is pretty nice. I also had something like...a red hefeweizen last time I was there? I can't really remember cause it was like number seven that night, but I recall it being fucking delicious. (Grain of salt, of course, cause...number seven.)
I really dug on Rogue's mocha porter, and that hazelnut brown is pretty nice. I also had something like...a red hefeweizen last time I was there? I can't really remember cause it was like number seven that night, but I recall it being fucking delicious. (Grain of salt, of course, cause...number seven.)

I put the mocha porter on the list when I was looking at the rogue site... it interested me. I haven't had a good porter in quite a while. The micro brewers around here don't deal porter too well. Always way too light and bland for me.

i remember this light, crispy brew being EVERYWHERE i went and looked in Portland. it was called 'PBR' you should look into it.


I actually had a tall boy of PBR earlier today while hanging out with a few people. It was all they had to drink in the house. That shit is fucking worthless.

This thread can now die till he returns with my beer... I gave him a really long list, 150 dollars for beer, a large cooler, and an extra 20 bucks to keep stocking it with ice.

Hopefully he can work most of it in.

Can't wait!
I've only had the Shakespeare Stout.

It was cool.

You should get Dead Guy Ale just because it's got a dead guy on the bottle even if I hear it's not so great.
I have my beers now... honestly, I think he gave me a little extra. Still have to go through it (it's in 3 seperate coolers sitting in my shit, and like 6 growlers which are unmarked and I'll have to guess what is what), but I'm working on a bridgeport IPA as I type and I am HAPPY.

There's a lot more rogue stuff than I wanted (a lot of the hazlenut), but I am not going to complain.

Took a while to get my shit, him and his girlfriend got into an arguement, etc. which led to a large delay in my delivery.

There's also the Terminal Gravity IPA, and some unmarked other bottles. He said he'd give me the receipts and what not after some sleep. He ended up stopping in portland on the way back instead, so it's all fresh.