Um, nope. Back in '96 I said pretty much this: "The Jester Race is a great album, much better than the quite uneven Lunar Strain, with only Graveland and Wayfaerer being obvious fillers." When Whoracle came out, I hated Everything Counts and Morphing into Primal (I've actually grown to tolerate them both, but they're still filler); and my first comments on the old IF-guestbook back in '99 were about the song Scorn (just released in mp3-format as a pre-taster for the upcoming album), saying that it completely sucked (which led to a nice email-exchange between myself and the mighty Fredrik Norström, who assured me that the sounds on the album version would be much better - which was true, but the song still sucks). And while Colony is all in all fine album, Scorn is certainly not the only filler on it. And I won't even mention Clayman.
The thing is, I don't mind a filler song here or there. Heck, I have always considered Midway Through Infinity a filler, and The Gallery is still in my top-5 albums of all time. What I don't like is being anal-raped by Anders Friden's twisted perception of good music (even though I actually like him as a person).