Jesse we've got problems


Dissident Aggressor
Dec 12, 2001
Hey man,

we just found out (2am here now) that this show will be very expensive to pull off.

The usual, John Cahill wants half the door money. The problem is that Wallace is unavailable for the show. However, there is a guy who is putting off shows at Calio's this weekend that will rent the PA for 300 bucks but won't do the sound.

That leaves us with no sound guy and 300 + bucks in the hole. Anyone know of ANY soundguy with his own gear willing to do the show for a reasonable price?

We've got 2 options that are low cost, but I don't even wanna mention them because they're so shitty. hehe

I figure that if 100 people came, then we'd make 500 bucks. 250 of that would go to Calio's, and we'd be left with 250 to pay the guy for the PA. How much does a band usually clear when playing Calio's. How many people usually show up?

This can be done if the show was PROMOTED up the ASS, but I'm looking for any and other alternatives to the route we can go.
I would imagine you could get more than 100 for an all ages, lots of kids usually come out. Typical all ages show is better attended then a typical bar show. Now, define typical.:D

...and when you're done defining, see if you can contact John Rowe. I don't know if he has his own PA, but by all reports he's nothing but an excellent soundman.
Gary Way ( will rent you a PA for 100 bucks a night I'm pretty sure, and Steve Guy does sound for 100 bucks.