Jhva Elohim Meth song survivor I

What's your favourite song?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Language enthusiast
May 7, 2002
Utrecht, Netherlands
Here's the deal, everyone votes for their most favourite song (one choice). Then the most popular song is deleted and a new poll is posted, but without the winning song of the previous poll.

In the end the worst song will remain and when we have a worst song from each album, we'll do the same with that collection of songs, which in the end should leave the one worst Katas-song of all time :).

I decided to start with Jhva... and work from old to new, to allow The Great Cold Distance to grow on people for a while.

All songs must be included, I won't post polls for Brave Yesterdays and Black Sessions, so I'll just include their exclusive songs with the albums during which sessions they were recorded, or they generally belong to.

Let's only include real songs, so no Epistel, Midwinter Gates and Crimson Tears.

Each poll stays listed for 3 days, otherwise we'll still be going when Katatonia is already in an elderly home in wheelchairs, drooling.

Northern Silence Rules! =)

well you should start opening the other album threads too because it will take too long if we wait 3 days for each album/ep :(
I'd do it the other way... It would make it much shorter.
For example: a poll for each album where you must pick your least favourite song. Then the 2 "winners" of each album will be put into a final poll.
Also a good oppurtunity to go trough all the albums structured from beginning till now. Might take a bit long though like this.
Will decide after another good listen....

The Northern Silence

the intro and outro are also quiet nice...