Jim Root Tele - I want one! help!

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
im going to buy one of them but i dont know which one i should get.

i dont like the body of the black one because it looks far too much like a standard fender but i love the neck because its brighter and the black dots and tuners look sexy as hell on it.

on that note the body of the white fender looks sleek and sexy and unusual but i dont like the neck of the guitar because it makes the guitar loose its lust and start to blend in to looking like any old guitar.

which one people! maybe i can get both and swap the necks! all donations welcome:puke:

black body

white body
I would buy both (or wait for someone to part 'em out on ebay), put the black model's neck and pickguard on the white body, then donate the rest to medical science.
Haha, 5-way is no problem. Of course, on my Strats the switch never leaves the neck position... haha

gay guitars. he seriously plays a tele? could be why slipknot's tone has been so terrible for ages... ugh
omg i still cant make up my mind. i think i might just go for the black one because i love the maple neck but its such a shame to miss out on the white body! argh!

Oh and "j the tyranT" i seriously fail to see how a guitar can be homosexual like (quote:gay guitars) fender tele's are industry standards all over the world and have been around for many many years featured on countless albums. if they had bad tone well they just wouldn't still be making them. and their running 2 emg pickups - which is practically the same as a jackson etc so the tone is going to be pretty close to any standard metal designed guitar give or take a few sonic differences due to wood type, neck type and hardware etc.

you came off as being pretty illiterate there by saying they are gay guitars. nice job buddy!
omg i still cant make up my mind. i think i might just go for the black one because i love the maple neck but its such a shame to miss out on the white body! argh!

Oh and "j the tyranT" i seriously fail to see how a guitar can be homosexual like (quote:gay guitars) fender tele's are industry standards all over the world and have been around for many many years featured on countless albums. if they had bad tone well they just wouldn't still be making them. and their running 2 emg pickups - which is practically the same as a jackson etc so the tone is going to be pretty close to any standard metal designed guitar give or take a few sonic differences due to wood type, neck type and hardware etc.

you came off as being pretty illiterate there by saying they are gay guitars. nice job buddy!

they're gay guitars... slipknot's a gay band, and you're a gay poster that nobody likes.
you seem to be obsessed with calling things gay would you like me to send you a list of new words to improve your vocabularily?