Job For A Cowboy cover...


Jul 18, 2007
Brighton, UK
Still a n00b at this, but I got a bit bored as I don't have college and I thought I'd make my own version of the song Entombment of A Machine...

I know people might not approve of the song or the band, but it was just a bit of fun.

Excuse the shitty vocals, you can probably tell I'm not a vocalist :P I just put them on there so I could actually have a go at mixing a full song for once instead of just guitars, drums and bass.

I basically just want tips on how I can improve everything, especially the way the vocals sit in the mix... I think the vox are what i'm least happy with, so any constructive criticism (besides "stop pig squeeling") would be greatly appreciated... of Entombment of A Machine.mp3

As an interesting side note, I decided to record this exactly to the original, tempo-wise, so I made a tempo map of the song:


Crazy motherfuckers...
Thankyou! And do you mean how did I track the tempo? If so, then I literally just sat there for ages and worked out the tempo for every little bit of it that sped up and slowed down... Well I say ages, it took about an hour, so not that bad...
Yeah, I know what you mean about the kick dude, I actually ripped it straight off the CD, but I think due to EQ and multiband compression that I used on the drum kit as a whole, it's ended up sounding a bit weird... But cheers for the nice comment :)