Job for a Cowboy

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I hate pig squeals. There are tons of kids obsessed with job in my town right now, they think theyre the most brutal thing on the planet. Mostly cause its the only thing resembling death metal any of them have heard lol. Im glad they dropped the pig squeals, but I still think job basically blows.
I hate pig squeals. There are tons of kids obsessed with job in my town right now, they think theyre the most brutal thing on the planet. Mostly cause its the only thing resembling death metal any of them have heard lol. Im glad they dropped the pig squeals, but I still think job basically blows.

I don't get the hype about pig squeals. Done "correctly", they are just death growls with a different way of mouthing. And I still haven't heard the "inhaling" type, which sounds destructive to one's throat, anyway.
I don't get the hype about pig squeals. Done "correctly", they are just death growls with a different way of mouthing. And I still haven't heard the "inhaling" type, which sounds destructive to one's throat, anyway.

I think it's a cool sound, vocally, but honestly when you're reading two lines of lyrics and all you hear is breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it's more annoying and irritating than anything... i.e. despised icon, older jfac
haha yeah...seriously, I don't know how much they got out before they got signed, so I don't know if people saw them before but they were AS scene as you could possibly look...combover emo hair, tight ass girl jeans, pink polo shirts and whatnot, then all of a sudden they started looking metal, and yeah, johnny is very fond of his deicide shirts apparently haha.

That's what I hear. I was talking with a guy from ARI and said they used to be pussy fags. If they really do like Deicide and took a big influence from them, then awesome. If they're just trend-hoppers then that's just plain retarded.

Have you met them or talked to them before? I see you're from ARI.
People like to make JFAC threads...

I think what really made this band popular was the spongebob video on myspace. That was funny as hell. Knee Deep is also a pretty good song as far as JFAC songs go.


Look at the comments LOL

these guys are fucking everywhere right now and it is really annoying. the songs I have heard off of Genesis are extremely generic and shit.
That's what I hear. I was talking with a guy from ARI and said they used to be pussy fags. If they really do like Deicide and took a big influence from them, then awesome. If they're just trend-hoppers then that's just plain retarded.

Have you met them or talked to them before? I see you're from ARI.

yeah, i'm a phx kid, haha...i know their old drummer elliott a little bit, actually saw him when he was drumming for The Faceless on Summer Slaughter and didn't know he was doing it, was kinda surprised, and i've talked to them all before, yeah.
Well, Doom owns Genesis and Doom is an EP, not an album. And as for the list that you guys keep doing I think its...

1. All Shall Perish
2. Job For A Cowboy
3. Despised Icon
4. Beneath The Sky (Havent heard much.)
Well, Doom owns Genesis and Doom is an EP, not an album. And as for the list that you guys keep doing I think its...

1. All Shall Perish
2. Job For A Cowboy
3. Despised Icon
4. Beneath The Sky (Havent heard much.)

Don't even bother with BTS, they're really generic.

DI get my vote as the top Deathcore band.
1. Rose Funeral
2. All Shall Perish
3. The Red Chord
4. The Faceless


-1. Despised Icon
-2. JFAC
-100. Beneath The Sky
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