5 worst metal bands of the past decade

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Municipal Waste?

I love them.

Maybe Human Rejection and Job For A Cowboy.

Don't forget Bring Me The Horizon and Archie Star.
I actually don't mind JFAC. At least that's what I remember when I listened to them. But I don't remember so good.
hell yea
job for a cowboy
strapping young lad
the red chord

I know those bands aren't considered straight up metal, but boy are they horrible.
This thread is stupid but I like making lists so...

Waking the Cadaver
Annotations of an Autopsy
Job For A Cowboy
Dillinger Escape Plan
Job for a Cowboy
Municipal Waste
The Haunted

What a terrible list

DEP is technical Hardcore. Not metal. Not even metalcore. Besides Under the Running Board and Calculating Infinity were really great. All their stuff since then has been god-awful though.

JFAC went from run-of-the-mill deathcore to run-of-the-mill deathmetal. They are neither the best or worst examples of either genre. Just mediocre.

The worst you could say about Municipal Waste is that they are un-imaginative and un-original, but they aren't the "worst" of anything by any means.

The Haunteds first two seemed alright from what I remember, but that's all I know from them.
What a terrible list

DEP is technical Hardcore. Not metal. Not even metalcore. Besides Under the Running Board and Calculating Infinity were really great albums. All their stuff since then has been god-awful though.

JFAC went from run-of-the-mill deathcore to run-of-the-mill deathmetal. They are neither the best or worst examples of either genre. Just mediocre.

The worst you could say about Municipal Waste is that they are un-imaginative and un-original, but they aren't the "worst" of anything by any means.

The Haunteds first two seemed alright from what I remember, but that's all I know from them.

I put JFAC twice by accident, so I changed my list

But DEP is nothing but diarrhea, though they are talented.
Waking the Cadaver is quite possibly the worst band of all time. I remember a few years ago I met some of the guys in that band at a Suffocation concert and they told me to check out their band. Unfortunately I did and I can honestly say I've never listened to music that was that fucking horrible in my life.
*grabs some popcorn*
this thread is going to be a delight

Should have used this gif

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