5 worst metal bands of the past decade

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Dillinger Escape Plan
Job for a Cowboy
Municipal Waste
Avenged Sevenfold
The Haunted
JfaC are meh, but not that bad.
MW are fun. Fuck you.
I actually don't mind JFAC. At least that's what I remember when I listened to them. But I don't remember so good.
In Flames should be on this list
Not really. Since 2000 they've been mediocre, but not really bad.
Hellyeah should be on there.
Limp Biskit
Linkin Park(or is it likkin balls?)
Hellyeah (#1 on my list)
Cattle Decapitation
Seconding these 2.

Cattle Decapitation
Waking The Cadaver
Sonic Syndicate
someone else...
1.Waking the Cadaver
3.Job For a Cowboy
4.A Life Once Lost
5.Killswitch Engaged
I'd agree with Dragonforce after Valley of the Damned

Sonic Firestorm is pretty solid, inhuman being pretty weak but neither release is deserving of worst cd of the year even...and on the Waste for you, I dont even know what to say that's just wrong in all ways
Why are some people including Limp Bizkit, Korn etc on their lists? Since when are they metal?

Anyway, i disagree about most of the bands people have mentioned. I think the list of bands i've compiled surely outdoes the aforementioned bands. Dragonforce, In Flames, The Haunted and Opeth surely aren't as bad as these bands.

#1 Job for a Cowboy - Pretty much invented deathcore as we know it now, kids with fringes and tight 'emo' jeans playing a bastardized version of death metal with pig squels and lots of breakdowns. The worst band of the past decade.

#2 Bring me the Horizon - Same as Job for a Cowboy, but even more extreme. Just 'emo' kids say they love death metal and name this band. Just really generic deathcore with no passion. Their fans have got no clue either.

#3 Trivium - Matt Heafy is a moron which even bigger morons idolize. I hate seeing this 16 year old kids wearing Trivium t-shirts with their hair grown long talking how 'kewl' Trivium is.

#4 Waking the Cadaver - 'Slamming gore groove'. Enough said.

#5 Killswitch Engage - First album was decent, rest are crap. Their influence has reached out like the plague. Enough said.
Wow, just listened to Jada's band on myspace. What sin have we committed to invite such wrath upon us? Big Willie needs to smack his bitch up a bit and get a little "parental advisory" on her ass.

EDIT: Silent Scream, agree with Trivium and Killswitch. I'm surprised they weren't mentioned more often.
Ascendancy is the only good album Trivium did.

Also, Alive or Just Breathing is one of the best metalcore albums ever put out. That record is definitely not crap.
MW are fun. Fuck you.

Unless of course you despise 80s crossover thrash, the only real reason I could see someone hating MW is on principle for kick-starting the popularity of pointless retro-thrash acts...that aren't terribly fun. One was enough, and that still may have been one too many if not for the trampolines, surf boards and 30-foot beer bongs they've brought along for shows in the past.
On this subject, I'll post a rant a friend of mine penned a while ago about his top 10 most hated bands.

“Worst bands ever… Ok they’re mostly metal

All right everyone, this is my first attempt at writing for the site, so I thought I’d start with something easy. If there is one thing anyone who’s into metal hates, it’s when the genre is subverted by gimmicky losers. The subject has been done to death, but when I moved up to Maine, I became inspired…

I think of one incident in particular, when someone who asked me what type of music I liked. I went on with my overly long speech, which pussyfoots around the genre question. I asked him what genre he liked. His response was “I listen to smack manly” I gave him the look I give when I want someone to continue talking. “You know Godsmack and stuff”. Confused and generally weirded out I managed to grunt before walking away. The idea of a band that I had given up on in 5th grade being offered to me as a blanket statement for a genre brought to my full attention a situation I had hoped we had left behind years ago people are into: bad Nu-metal bands.

So I made this crumby list. Over time I added newer bands that I equally disliked and why I liked them. Here they are in no particular order

10. Mudvayne: Well, the spell check on my computer doesn’t like their name and that’s a bad start. They’re Nu-metal band. That doesn’t help. They wore masks and formed a band called Hellyeah… They’re a Nu-metal band. Their lyrics are pretentious and dumb. They’re a Nu-metal band…

As for the fans: buy a new t-shirt dude it’s not fucking 1999 anymore. Were they even out then? Who cares?

9. Ko(backwards R)n: I just get sick when I hear them. Who knows maybe I’ve been wrong about them all this time. This could be the most extreme band ever. How many other bands can I think of that will make me simultaneously puke and want to murder people with baggy pants at the same time?

…One actually and that’s SunnO))) but only if the volume is up high enough. So where was I? Fuck these guys are horrible.

8. The Devil Wears Prada: Have you ever noticed that horrible bands come with horrible names attached? Well this one’s just terribly mediocre, but the fact that they are a Christian band masquerading as a hardcore/metal unit wouldn’t be nearly as offensive if they didn’t pray on stage. Oh and dude your song titles aren’t funny.

7. Godsmack: You knew it was coming didn’t you? I hate this fucking band. I hate the guys who where their t-shirts. And don’t even try to get me started on that song they did for the scorpion king soundtrack (tastefully re-used by Uwe Boll in his adaptation of Alone in the Dark)

… HAH! Sarcasm!

6. 311: Teenage girls still like them… but then again if teenage girls were into Agoraphobic Nosebleed they might be on here too, no, never mind they didn’t write “Amber”. These guys make my fucking skin crawl. I’d rather drink Nilbog milk, turn into a plant, and be eaten by midgets in potato sacks.

Actually that sounds kind of cool.

5. Still Remains: When your keyboard tone is worse than Ronnie James Dio circa 1981 and your not band’s name is not Styx there’s a problem. The fact they have terrible breakdowns on top of which their singer (read session musicians) croons “wait for love” Makes me want to die. Shoot me in the fucking face. No seriously. As soon as you put this down hunt me down and put me out of misery. I can’t stand this.

4. Hellyeah: I’m not going no to make fun of their name this time. No, wait, what the hell am I talking about, of course I am. Hellyeah? I mean Christ at least change spelling if your going to combine two words for your name. That just reaks of lazyness. The fact that their drummer is related to Dimebag Darrel is absolutely no excuse for retarded lines like “Balls, volume, strength getcha come on”… what?

Your IQ has to be lower than a ford bronco to appreciate this garbage, but given the 2,746,528 and counting views they’ve accumulated on myspace, the state of world starts to make sense. I commented on one of their videos and mentioned that they make hick music; an angry fan responded, “I think you mean SICK MUSIC. HELL YEAH!”

I stand by my previous statement.

3. Insane Clown Posse: I’ve been calling out some really shitty nu-metal and metalcore bands, so I thought I’d stop for a bit and harp on some rappers that dress like nu-metal guys. Once again, I’m shooting fish in a barrel, but if these bands weren’t infuriating in every way, they wouldn’t make it onto my list. Terrible and stupid rap over terrible metal influenced beats. And if you, dear reader, happen to be a juggalo or a juggalet (for the uninitiated this is what their fucking fans refer to themselves as you can stab yourselves in your respective genetalia for liking a band that features a rapper who refers to himself as Shaggy 2 Dope

2. And speaking of Dope: Thanks for polluting Guitar Hero III you fucking assholes!

1. Nickleback: I just keep waiting for the bubble to burst so I can laugh at what has-beens these guys have become, but it never happens. Like a giant robot monster with titanium skin and well-groomed hair, they seem to have powers of deflection from any of the salvos that rock n’ roll has unleashed on shitty music. Some day they’ll fall and I can whiz on the corpse of this colossus, but, until then, I can just hope for an overdose, or for one of them to be caught sucking a dick…a dogs dick…No wait…a puppy’s dick, yeah.”
Job For A Cowboy
Limp Bizkit
Bullet For My Valentine
Avenged Sevenfold
Dragon Force
Every Time I Die
Cradle of Filth
Killswitch Engage
Norma Jean

Oh shit...thats more than 5.
I put Creed on my list of 5, just because I don't like them...sorry! Korn, Slipnot, etc...to some may not be metal, but since they've been given the title, it makes it easy to list them.
That video somebody posted of that Jada Pinkett Smith performance was absolutely hilarious and embarrassing. :lol:
Limp Biskit
Linkin Park(or is it likkin balls?)

worst metal bands, not rock.

In Flames (they've completely gone to shit)

pick four metalcore bands, nothing else stands out to much.
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