Ender Rises Wass sappening? Feb 1, 2006 9,090 11 38 Athens, Greece. I wish. Athens, Texas, in cruel re May 16, 2008 #81 Yeah they do.
Belligerent Greekus Urungus Mar 15, 2006 11,057 3 36 The Low Low, IL May 16, 2008 #82 They most definitely do.
zabu of nΩd Free Insultation Feb 9, 2007 14,620 805 113 May 16, 2008 #83 What, are the lyrics above your grade level or something?
Belligerent Greekus Urungus Mar 15, 2006 11,057 3 36 The Low Low, IL May 16, 2008 #84 I'm 28 you cockknocker. I've always found them to be a joke. Dani Filth's vocals are horrendous.
Dr. Pete Asian Frank Dec 12, 2007 811 0 16 Kansas City, MO May 16, 2008 #85 I've done a five worst albums list, but not a worst five bands in the past decade, so here is mine: Job For a Cowboy Sevendust Trivium OTEP Slipknot For the record, Cradle of Filth was pretty good up until Cruelty and the Beast.
I've done a five worst albums list, but not a worst five bands in the past decade, so here is mine: Job For a Cowboy Sevendust Trivium OTEP Slipknot For the record, Cradle of Filth was pretty good up until Cruelty and the Beast.
King Richard Hello there Mar 23, 2006 12,666 293 83 39 Wouldn't you like to know May 16, 2008 #86 If you don't like any of Cradle Of Filth's discography up to Midian then fuck off.
Dr. Pete Asian Frank Dec 12, 2007 811 0 16 Kansas City, MO May 16, 2008 #88 Midian wasn't too bad, but nothing will ever top Cruelty and the Beast for me.
General Zaroff Registered Lunatic May 28, 2007 2,941 1 36 Ship Trap Island May 16, 2008 #89 Principle of Evil Made Flesh is my favorite. One of the worst Metal bands I've heard is Underneath The Gun. Cannot stand this band.
Principle of Evil Made Flesh is my favorite. One of the worst Metal bands I've heard is Underneath The Gun. Cannot stand this band.
byrne Certavi et vici May 1, 2003 2,355 10 38 41 At the Gates www.hailmetal.com May 16, 2008 #90 Meshuggah + any grindcore band to have ever existed.
Belligerent Greekus Urungus Mar 15, 2006 11,057 3 36 The Low Low, IL May 16, 2008 #91 byrne said: + any grindcore band to have ever existed. Click to expand... Big ass dawt.
The Ozzman Melted by feels Sep 17, 2006 34,077 3,787 113 In My Kingdom Cold May 16, 2008 #92 byrne said: Meshuggah Click to expand... Get out
T Tonka Time Guest May 16, 2008 #93 WeAreInFlames said: Noktorn said: Agalloch The Sword Megadeth (Lifetime Achievement Award) Arch Enemy 1349 Click to expand... You simply suck balls on every count. Click to expand... .
WeAreInFlames said: Noktorn said: Agalloch The Sword Megadeth (Lifetime Achievement Award) Arch Enemy 1349 Click to expand... You simply suck balls on every count. Click to expand... .
T Tonka Time Guest May 16, 2008 #94 Belligerent said: I'm 28 you cockknocker. I've always found them to be a joke. Dani Filth's vocals are horrendous. Click to expand... sounds like a girl with strep throat trying to do a witch impersonation. EDIT: Sorry for the double post.
Belligerent said: I'm 28 you cockknocker. I've always found them to be a joke. Dani Filth's vocals are horrendous. Click to expand... sounds like a girl with strep throat trying to do a witch impersonation. EDIT: Sorry for the double post.
Satanstoenail My Larpstyle determines my Derpstyle Sep 6, 2006 11,592 3,696 113 Arse End May 17, 2008 #95 NinjaGeek said: Jada Pinkett-Smith's metal band, Wicked Wisdom, by far. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nHGGAmJCYI Click to expand... Holy shit.
NinjaGeek said: Jada Pinkett-Smith's metal band, Wicked Wisdom, by far. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nHGGAmJCYI Click to expand... Holy shit.
unknown fuck ftagn Oct 27, 2003 14,824 627 113 The Red Tower May 17, 2008 #96 I think we can all agree on it's jada pinkett smith's band. right? right. jolly good