Also another option is Spitz and Joey go on to make another album with a new backing band. Who knows, I just like throwing shit out there.
I just like throwing shit .

And I thought I was fucked up!?! Just kiddin... couldnt stop myself. Made me remember the line from Happy Gilmore.

Shooter McGavern: I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast.
Happy Gilmore: You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?!
Best line in the movie!!!!!!!!!!:lol: :lol:

I actually remember in college spitting my beer out at that line.

Good times.

Godamnit, how come you can´t watch movies with a beer at work?
Ahhhhh crap, that doesnt help rumours. I hope Joeys not going anywhere, and i feel bad for saying this but im going to laugh if all this speculation is crap and whatever hope left for Bush is all but crushed.

Whats the deal with Rob i thought he was cool? Its coming across like hes jealous of someone being in the band...
Nah, he's cool. If he were that bitter, he´d probably be on that RBC site more often.
Ahhhhh crap, that doesnt help rumours. I hope Joeys not going anywhere, and i feel bad for saying this but im going to laugh if all this speculation is crap and whatever hope left for Bush is all but crushed.

Whats the deal with Rob i thought he was cool? Its coming across like hes jealous of someone being in the band...

I doubt Bush would come back either, I really hope this isn't the end.
More drama and bullshit with this band then with a bitter bitch I use to fuck. Either write a record and squash these stupid rumors or end it.. This is fuckin gay. And were just as guilty for hangin on like a bunch of fan boys.. I'm in this for the music not the drama.. Bring on the haters so I can smack you down..
More drama and bullshit with this band then with a bitter bitch I use to fuck. Either write a record and squash these stupid rumors or end it.. This is fuckin gay. And were just as guilty for hangin on like a bunch of fan boys.. I'm in this for the music not the drama.. Bring on the haters so I can smack you down..

I totally agree. I am tired of the bs bickering back and forth between one another. Scott or Charlie need to make an official announcement(didn't Scott say there would be one over a year ago?!?!), so that the board can go back to talking about beer and metal. I am a reunion basher, but damn, I don't feel the need to sit and post negative shit about Joey constantly. I would rather flame Anthrax_Mosher instead:lol:
I don't feel the need to sit and post negative shit about Joey constantly.

I've been thinking for a long time why people do that. I mean just because they like John Bush more, that really doesn't make Joey Belladonna bad. He's great. If you like Bush better, praise him as much as you want to. Just don't say Belladonna sucks because you like the other guy more.
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I prefer Bush, I like Joey. I saw them with him, it was a good show.

I will make fun of hair all I want though. Seriously, he looks like he should be selling pewter jewlery at the flea market.
I've been thinking for a long time why people do that. I mean just because they like John Bush more, that really doesn't make Joey Belladonna bad. He's great. If you like Bush better, praise him as much as you want to. Just don't say Belladonna sucks because you like the other guy more.

great post. whoever you like joey is still a great singer and frontman. As is john bush. I really wish our friend from the czech repubic could say something positve about joey for a change hahah staropramen! he happy!
I don't hope so but even if Joey is out again that would only make the band lose even more credibility than they have already lost.....

Shame they have to make such a bad comedy show of themselves at the end of their carreer, BTW If Bush has any balls he won't even want to come back.
My ex told me yesterday that Joey has another solo gig booked at the Loft in Poughkeepsie in February. I checked their schedule and he's not on it, but if indeed he is playing....then I think we know the answer.
Hey you're a huge AC/DC fan right? so am I, they were the ones to get me into rock music. We probably got more in common than you think LOL!

Actually the only thing I ever really disagreed on with you is who was the best singer for ANTHRAX.