I was the same way Tom, except I liked WCFYA. Growing up listening to Anthrax with Belladonna, I was psyched when the reunion came about and even saw them at the Nokia Theatre in NYC. But it's been a year since I saw them live and still no record, no news about the record, and now there's a rumor that no one in the band is trying hard to dispel. It's tough liking these guys these days.

Well said.
I was the same way Tom, except I liked WCFYA. Growing up listening to Anthrax with Belladonna, I was psyched when the reunion came about and even saw them at the Nokia Theatre in NYC. But it's been a year since I saw them live and still no record, no news about the record, and now there's a rumor that no one in the band is trying hard to dispel. It's tough liking these guys these days.

Very well said.
But at least Scott has enough free time to play with other artists every week in a bar. I guess that is more important than the few seconds it takes to clarify a few issues over here.
Interesting.. I had pretty much lost interest in Anthrax.. Then when WCFYA was coming out there was all this hype saying how fucking awesome it was so I downloaded it hoping it would rekindle my interest in the band.. It didn't.. Granted I only listened to the songs a couple times but they didn't blow me away.. Even if there were a coupel songs that really stuck out I would have bought the CD.

My interest was again sparked with the reunion... I have been waiting around for two years. Haven't seen a show and no new record anywhere in sight.. The only show in my area was opening for Priest who I don't even like. I wasn't gonna shell out the $$ to see Anthrax play 6 songs... Besides the Sox were playing the Yankees that night I believe and I assumed Thrax would be back headling soon............

They lpayed at least 4 shows in my area on the reunion tour but agreed they need to come up with a new album by now. though it also was 5+ years between vol 8 and WCFYA.
I stand corrected, but it does show what a jerk he is!:lol:

Oh yeah, his "get real" antics are pretty dumb and insulting to people who dealing with whatever issue they are dealing with. Can you imagine a vet with Post trama disorder being told to get real?
I was the same way Tom, except I liked WCFYA. Growing up listening to Anthrax with Belladonna, I was psyched when the reunion came about and even saw them at the Nokia Theatre in NYC. But it's been a year since I saw them live and still no record, no news about the record, and now there's a rumor that no one in the band is trying hard to dispel. It's tough liking these guys these days.

Yeah, kinda sucks.. They aliented the stubborn fans that won't accept Joey. That was fine because they seemed to be gaining momentum and there was more interest sparked in the band... But now all that momentum is fading fast... It's almost time to just forget about it. If something happens it happens I guess.
Can you imagine a vet with Post trama disorder being told to get real?

Hell, that's actually more attention than they recieve in this country! Most of them are almost ignored upon returning home! Oh yeah, and Dr. Phil sucks! (Almost went off topic there!:lol: )

Oh yeah...we went off topic a loooooong time ago!:lol: