My ex told me yesterday that Joey has another solo gig booked at the Loft in Poughkeepsie in February. I checked their schedule and he's not on it, but if indeed he is playing....then I think we know the answer.

Vince Neil played a solo gig in Florida last year between Crue tours, but he was still in Motley Crue, I wouldn't say he's out because he plays a 'solo' gig
Vince Neil played a solo gig in Florida last year between Crue tours, but he was still in Motley Crue, I wouldn't say he's out because he plays a 'solo' gig

In lieu of any pertinent information from the band, all we can do is we did when John and Rob were let go......

All Scott & Charlie are doing is stringing us along. The truth is out there....:kickass:
Ahhhhh crap, that doesnt help rumours. I hope Joeys not going anywhere, and i feel bad for saying this but im going to laugh if all this speculation is crap and whatever hope left for Bush is all but crushed.

Whats the deal with Rob i thought he was cool? Its coming across like hes jealous of someone being in the band...
I don't think it's jealousy as much as knowing he's the better fit. Yeah I love Joey but John is the man, to me the WCFYA lineup is the best in the band's history, it's the best album and Rob is the best producer. Just my opinion but damn I want the excitement of buying a new Anthrax record with this lineup, I'll be there at midnight to get it. With the reunion lineup I'll be there that afternoon. Or the next day if I'm busy.
Come on, that's all in your opinion, I thought WCFYA was one of the weakest albums they ever did save for maybe "volume 8" but that is MY opinion.

If that is really Rob posting I think he does sound pretty bitter....
I really wish our friend from the czech repubic could say something positve about joey for a change

Sure but first a recap: a primal intention of this reunion was to make some money to redeem debts. Officially, there were no future plans. Unofficially, as soon as everything is alright, Joey and Dan will be fired and replaced with John and Rob. Easy like a fuck, isn't it? But neither Charlie nor Scott counted with a possibility John would refused to come back. Anyway, they started writing a material for the new record. 'If we have to write a material with this line-up, we'll do that but without Joey's and Danny's involvement'. There's no wonder: Joey indeed proved he's able to write metal songs but the major part really sucks balls. As for Danny, he's change. To be with a mentally disturbed person in the studio too long would be a suicide. Charlie will just make up some solos and Danny will learn them at home. But this way didn't like Joey and he said NO....
So here go my positive words about Joey: I appreciate he got courage for leaving the band and showed Scott and Charlie that he won't be their puppet anymore. Hopefully, Joey has opened their eyes and helped them realised that those who want a lot, have nothing at last...
Sure but first a recap: a primal intention of this reunion was to make some money to redeem debts. Officially, there were no future plans. Unofficially, as soon as everything is alright, Joey and Dan will be fired and replaced with John and Rob. Easy like a fuck, isn't it? But neither Charlie nor Scott counted with a possibility John would refused to come back. Anyway, they started writing a material for the new record. 'If we have to write a material with this line-up, we'll do that but without Joey's and Danny's involvement'. There's no wonder: Joey indeed proved he's able to write metal songs but the major part really sucks balls. As for Danny, he's change. To be with a mentally disturbed person in the studio too long would be a suicide. Charlie will just make up some solos and Danny will learn them at home. But this way didn't like Joey and he said NO....
So here go my positive words about Joey: I appreciate he got courage for leaving the band and showed Scott and Charlie that he won't be their puppet anymore. Hopefully, Joey has opened their eyes and helped them realised that those who want a lot, have nothing at last...

Hey can i borrow your brain? Im building a moron :loco:
Come on, that's all in your opinion, I thought WCFYA was one of the weakest albums they ever did save for maybe "volume 8" but that is MY opinion.

If that is really Rob posting I think he does sound pretty bitter....

Interesting.. I had pretty much lost interest in Anthrax.. Then when WCFYA was coming out there was all this hype saying how fucking awesome it was so I downloaded it hoping it would rekindle my interest in the band.. It didn't.. Granted I only listened to the songs a couple times but they didn't blow me away.. Even if there were a coupel songs that really stuck out I would have bought the CD.

My interest was again sparked with the reunion... I have been waiting around for two years. Haven't seen a show and no new record anywhere in sight.. The only show in my area was opening for Priest who I don't even like. I wasn't gonna shell out the $$ to see Anthrax play 6 songs... Besides the Sox were playing the Yankees that night I believe and I assumed Thrax would be back headling soon............
I was the same way Tom, except I liked WCFYA. Growing up listening to Anthrax with Belladonna, I was psyched when the reunion came about and even saw them at the Nokia Theatre in NYC. But it's been a year since I saw them live and still no record, no news about the record, and now there's a rumor that no one in the band is trying hard to dispel. It's tough liking these guys these days.