Joey Belladonna speaks!!!

Yeah agreed, can;t wiat to hear some new'll be pretty hard to come close to STD or ATL though. I'd be happy if it sounds anything like a updated POT type of sound.
Good interview, I think Joey generally comes across as a down to earth guy. I remember the meet and greet they did here the night before they played during the reunion tour, Joey and Frank were cool and were the only ones who seemed like they actually wanted to be there.
Though I have grown to be a John Bush fan in Anthrax. I will buy the new record. I want to hear for myself before I either pan it or praise it. I'll eat my words if in fact they pull one of the greatsest efforts of their career out of their hats.

i think its awesome that we will hear a brand new record with joey,they have unfinished business,by changing singers after they signed a massive contract with elektra when they did they really squashed any chance of hittin g mega status like metallica,who knows what could have been...,pot was a fantastic redord