Johanna also deserves a thread


Jun 30, 2002
hehehehe okay if bodomgaymite can make a thread for zarok i will make a thread to take all my swedish doubts with johanna then!

first.. what does "Vad fan ska man med kärlek till? " mean?
OHH, i feel so honoured ;) thank you, thank you

Its true wisdom my dear!! Vad fan ska man med kärlek till?
hmmm... it must become something like "what the fuck should you do with love?" ... or... perhaps.. "what the fuck is love good for" something like that... perhaps.....
gotherica: NOO, not every swedish person says that.. we norrlänningar dont say it :p.. it sounds like a typical greetings phrase from gothenburg though ;)

Kuvasz: ahh.. well its close enough anyway.... why the hell care so much for cunts anyway? :p
Ok, its the official "Miss Johanna teaches swedish" thread I guess :p

sagan om när helvetet mötte paradiset
the tale about when hell met paradise
Underbara dont mean thanks.. but you may gladely use it in context with my name ANYTIME :p

actually it means "wonderful"
thank u (so much) = tack (så mycket... )

NV: I teached you the one and only sentence you need to know a long time ago, remember ;)