John Bush Is Lame And Greedy


Old School Headbanger
Well, I have been an Anthrax fan for years but I think I have to stop buying their records and forget they exist until John Bush (a.k.a Lars Ulrich) leaves the band. He has disappointed me to no end and I can't stand greedy musicians.

Here is an excerpt of an interview with the esteemed Mr. Bush:
(find the whole thing here:

"When told that it still seems like a lot of artists are totally for being able to share music over the Internet, Bush said, "Well, are those artists selling a lot more records? That's the only question! Are they selling more records than they were, are they? Because nobody is. Nobody is selling the kind of records that they were and anybody who puts out one record and says it, fuck them because they don't know. They have nothing to compare it to. So, somebody that's got a couple of records out can say something. Somebody that put their first record out and says, 'I'm for it!', fuck them — that's what I say, because you need to figure out again...record sales are down. That's all I need to say and if they're down, how is it helping? "

Dear Mr. Bush - I have sone news for you - it's not just your precious record sales that are down.

Right here in the middle of the USA I know of over 150,000 people who have lost their jobs in the past three years. Blame it on economy, terrorism or whatever the hell - but jobs are drying up. Do you think those 150,000 people now have the money to rush out and buy some more of your precious albums? NO!

Think it's just the poor musicians who are hurting, now that they only rake a few million a year instead of more? Ask the Steelworkers. Ask the AFL-CIO. Ask the people working for K-Mart who filed Bankruptcy, Venture (division of May Department Stores) which closed up, filed Bbankruptcy and closed up. Ask the 8,000 people who worked for our local National supermarkets.

Get real John. There are across our country hundreds of thousands of people who became unemployed over the past three years. These people, I can rest assured, are much more worried about being able to buy food and keep a roof over their heads than to rush out and buy your precious albums so you can keep sales up.

"Bottom line is, stealing is stealing! That's the reality of it and if people are not buying records, then bands are not gonna sell as many records, hence there's gonna be a lot of bands not making records. Because this is people's livelihood."

Let me ask you something about the bottom line John. Do you have to worry about paying your bills every week? Do you get paid under $10.00 an hour for your work? Do you have to stay home five nights of the week because you have no money to do anything with?


Guess what - alot of people do. We get paid little to nothing for our daily labors. We work our rears off just to keep a little food in the house, the bills paid and hopefully have enough to go out once in awhile. Considering it takes about 120 straight hours to perform the works for a normal length album at the money I make you would have made roughly $800.00 for making your most recent album. How would you feel if that was all you got paid for your 'hard work' (sic).?

I have until this time had the utmost respect for Anthrax. I am also a fan from times you don't even know - back in the State of Euphoria days and before - from the beginnings. I have bought what albums I could afford in those times and still have.

And, to be completely honest with you - had it not been for P2P file trading I would have not even known your band had a new album out. The record stores have nothing - the CD isn't even on the shelf. The department stores - nada. I may have seen one single copy at the huge warehouse CD retailer. IF IT WERE NOT FOR P2P I WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW THE NEW CD EXISTED AT ALL.

Whine all you want - I just lose respect for people like that. I lose respect for bands who are more worried that their record sales are up than realizing the REAL reasons why when they are not. Quit blaming the internet for your troubles. Quit blaming your fans for your troubles too - it pi**es them off. Then, they are no longer your fans.

Don't worry, I won't be back to post again. Just thought I would let you know something:

Imagine that...he wants to make some money on the stuff he worked hard on.

Until he goes full on Lars and tries to actually kill a network I don't see a problem.
IF you read that, he says that he really doesn't have a problem with those that download to see what they think before buying the cd. It is the idiots out there that aren't following up their downloading with buying the band's cd that he has problems with.:Smug:
What is greed?

Wouldn't you be "greedy" for not wanting to pay?

If you think John Bush has lived a life of luxury his entire time in the music industry, you're crazy. And if you think he makes MILLIONS a year, then :lol:

Look, it's nice that you went through your sob stories about the tough economy. I know a wide variety of people who download music. They don't all fit into your profile. Some are quite well off financially. The less money they can spend on music, the more they can spend on other fun stuff.

As for being upset with John's whining, you sure do a hell of a lot of whining yourself. "Boohoo, evil Anthrax actually wants to make money." :cry:
jdelpi said:
What is greed?

Wouldn't you be "greedy" for not wanting to pay?

If you think John Bush has lived a life of luxury his entire time in the music industry, you're crazy. And if you think he makes MILLIONS a year, then :lol:

Look, it's nice that you went through your sob stories about the tough economy. I know a wide variety of people who download music. They don't all fit into your profile. Some are quite well off financially. The less money they can spend on music, the more they can spend on other fun stuff.

As for being upset with John's whining, you sure do a hell of a lot of whining yourself. "Boohoo, evil Anthrax actually wants to make money." !:cry:

BTW, I don't exactly agree with Bush. I think the reaction to his comments, however, is a little ridiculous.
Get off your high-ass horse, dude. Whatever it is you do for a living, if I can partake of that for free, why would I pay you to do it? If you start getting free diesel engines, why would my employer need me? Christ, give Bush credit for not being a suck-ass, he said his piece,like it or STFU! :erk:
You stupid fucking Dickface, John Bush was basically saying that if peices of shit like you download entire albums and do not pay for them, it is stealing.
Did he go and get you kicked off of Kazaa like Lar$ got me kicked off of Napster? NO, all he did was say that records sales are down, and that sorry poor pieces of horse-shit like you, who download entire albums, are to blame.
He's right. If you download an entire album, you are STEALING.
Maybe you should get a job so you could afford a CD, you fucking douche.
fuck this asshole. its guys like him why bands are broke, im not really for downloading for an artist on indy labels. they dont make enough money and assholes like you gotta rip them off by downloading, its not rite. im with john bush on this one. and fuck you dude john slays on vox, a killer metal voclaist by far.go back to listening mainstreaming money making bullshit that make millions. remember death to false metal!
What a whiny ass bitch you are megarock, Anthrax doesn't need fans like you that stop listening to a certain band just because of comments they make. If I stopped listening to every band that ever said something stupid, or arrogant, or egotistical, I'd probably have nothing to listen to, get over yourself.
Gee, guess I need to speak in a language several of you children can understand:


Fucking greed is when your lame fucking ass cries about poor sales when the reasons have been staring you in the fucking face for years. In fact In addition to various record label debacles, the band left last summer's Motley Crue tour seven weeks early due to poor tickets sales.

Guess you're gonna tell me people downloading hurt the concert sales too fuckwad?

Now, using another Anthrax member I'll show you how the fuck a real metalhead would have put it: - CHARLIE!

"Everyone has been very cool with the downloading thing and the toy collecting, I'm psyched!" he wrote. "I would like to mention that I do understand that it's so hard to get exposed to music nowadays, especially HARD ROCK/METAL. Many of you mentioned that you download songs to check it out and see if you like it and then you would go and buy it. I think that's fine. With the prices of these things - I think it's important to make sure you like what you're buying. .. I don't want to talk about this anymore."

Gee, see the fucking difference or are you fucking blind asshole? He doesn't start blaming the fans. He doesn't cry every three words about record sales are down, record sales are down and did I mention record sales are down? It should be a big indicator that when you can't sell records AND tour tickets aren't selling either that YOU CAN'T JUST SIT THERE AND BLAME IT ON THE INTERNET.

I find it even more humourous that one of the people replying to my post has bootlegs of Anthrax for free download from their own website. Don't you realize you have copyrighted performances which are the same thing your great band is complaining about. In other words, you are part of the problem. You are a thief. YOU ARE COSTING JOHN RECORD SALES. The files you have are just as illegal as the files on Kazaa (might want to check out the Librarian of Congress website because you are breaking the law and John and Lars might be coming for you).

Now one more fucking time for the fucking asshole prick children who fucking have to fucking cuss every fucking three words:

I never said downloading was or wasn't ok.
I never said artists should not make money at making their music.

Duh, can you fucking get that dumbass? It seems to be the only fucking language you can fucking understand.

Let's sum this up for those not paying attention - record sales are down - ticket sales are down. Hmm...maybe YOUR BAND SUCKS and the only fans you have left are people who use words like fuckwad, douchebag and the others who can't even fucking spell right.
ThinkAboutYourEnd said:
What a whiny ass bitch you are megarock, Anthrax doesn't need fans like you that stop listening to a certain band just because of comments they make. If I stopped listening to every band that ever said something stupid, or arrogant, or egotistical, I'd probably have nothing to listen to, get over yourself.

When a band calls me a thief they can go fuck themselves. You can go fuck yourself too.
TD said:
:D This whole post makes laugh. Some people just have to create drama. As if the real world doesn't provide enough of it. I guess if you live your life online then there is no better place than a message board to rag on and on.

Yep, that or you can just have a press conference like John so the whole world knows.
megarock said:
Gee, guess I need to speak in a language several of you children can understand:


Fucking greed is when your lame fucking ass cries about poor sales when the reasons have been staring you in the fucking face for years. In fact In addition to various record label debacles, the band left last summer's Motley Crue tour seven weeks early due to poor tickets sales.

Guess you're gonna tell me people downloading hurt the concert sales too fuckwad?

Now, using another Anthrax member I'll show you how the fuck a real metalhead would have put it: - CHARLIE!

Gee, see the fucking difference or are you fucking blind asshole? He doesn't start blaming the fans. He doesn't cry every three words about record sales are down, record sales are down and did I mention record sales are down? It should be a big indicator that when you can't sell records AND tour tickets aren't selling either that YOU CAN'T JUST SIT THERE AND BLAME IT ON THE INTERNET.

I find it even more humourous that one of the people replying to my post has bootlegs of Anthrax for free download from their own website. Don't you realize you have copyrighted performances which are the same thing your great band is complaining about. In other words, you are part of the problem. You are a thief. YOU ARE COSTING JOHN RECORD SALES. The files you have are just as illegal as the files on Kazaa (might want to check out the Librarian of Congress website because you are breaking the law and John and Lars might be coming for you).

Now one more fucking time for the fucking asshole prick children who fucking have to fucking cuss every fucking three words:

I never said downloading was or wasn't ok.
I never said artists should not make money at making their music.

Duh, can you fucking get that dumbass? It seems to be the only fucking language you can fucking understand.

Let's sum this up for those not paying attention - record sales are down - ticket sales are down. Hmm...maybe YOUR BAND SUCKS and the only fans you have left are people who use words like fuckwad, douchebag and the others who can't even fucking spell right.

I don't have all day to respond to this, but here is what I have to say.

Hahaha, this is too funny.
I do not have bootlegs for free download. I have bootlegs for trade. Does the band really give a shit? I doubt it. I have multiple copies of every official Anthrax album. My list of official Anthrax items is on the site. In addition, I have every Armored Saint and S.O.D. CD, VHS and DVD.
I don't have any bootlegs by Metallica.

I also don't recall blaming downloading for all of the decline in record sales.

As for Blabbermouth, the posters there sure as hell bitch more than Anthrax ever does.
Hey Megarock... since you are so enlightened, you might want to check your facts.... the Maximum Schlock deal with Motley Screw went down three years ago... they cut payoffs across the board for Anthrax and Megadeth. Megadeth had label support, Anthrax didn't.

Since you seem to be on a venomous path of rage, I figured I'd do you the service of helping you paint a clear picture so that you can run down a guy you wouldn't have the guts to say anything to in person. That's okay, though. The Internet is good for people with inferiority complexes, hence your overcompensation by using Megarock as a screen name. Sounds like "Mini..." well, I wouldn't want to go using cuss words.

Ty's right's... people who chest thump on message boards don't have the vertabrae or intelligence to vocalize their frustrations in the everyday world. It's a shame, really.
I only read the first post of this thread so sorry if this was said already....but if you actually think that a band like Anthrax rakes in millions a year, you are retarded. I bet they don't make as much as high paid factory unless you know what you're talking about and know the music business in and out, then shut your mouth. Touring clubs and selling not many records doesn't make you money. They are doing this because they love it, and of course they want people to buy their cds, they have families to feed. Yeah, you have valid points about the whole economy being down and cds being expensive...but John wasn't asked about that, he was asked about how he sees the music industry.