John Howard vs Mark Latham

Who do you want as Prime Minister?

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JonBonJovi said:
My ultimate home is one built out of mud brick or hay bails and recycled materials officiant....septic tank the works and to be as totally sufficant as I possibly can...raising my own chickens ducks,cows,sheep. Huge vege and fruit plot the whole damn "hippy" thing and I do aim to get there one day.
:rock: :rock: :rock:

Same here.

I've done a heap of reading on it, and it's something that we want to do too one day.

Lithgow Library has a lot of good books if you're ever up here.
my ideal house would be situated just there
We did a flying tour through the snowies on Saturday.
Cooma, Alpine Way to Talbingo, lunch at Tumut, then back to Mum and Dad's up the Hume Highway.

Some nice scenery for sure.
The Snowies are awesome, I'm glad that most people don't have access to it all. Theres this magic loophole in the law that allows fisherman to go anywhere in the national parks.
Yeah centrelink suck I couldn't get a cent from them because Brian earns to much. They don't give a shit he has a kid to pay for and that we have to survive on what he gets after tax and Child Support takes a huge chunk away.My sister and her partner have more money than we do and they are on the pension.
Blitzkrieg said:
Same here. It is frustrating to see kids whose parents own successful businesses able to get government payments, while your own parents struggle to make ends meet and Centrelink tells you to fuck off for one reason or another. It bullshit.
Yep.... I hate to be on any form of benefits but was required to do so while I was at TAFE. I had to move out because it was near impossible for me to study in my own home and the travel was a total bitch. Since I was completely independant of my parents I expected... no, I was told I would recieve the full amount of Austudy payment. But some genious decided that since my TAFE wasn't more then 90 minutes from my parents home that I was still dependant on them. I went to Centrelink and complained and the bitch there basically gave me three options.... give up studying or move back home. When I told them I couldn't move back home, they said the only "allowed" reason was if physically couldn't (ie abuse etc).... since I have a good relationship with my parents that is not the case.

So I just spat at the bitch in my loudest speaking voice "so I guess I should just go out and get drugged up, fuck some slut and leave her in the street... then maybe beat up my parents a little. Nice to see the government is setting a good example for kids these days!"
Blitzkrieg said:
Same here. It is frustrating to see kids whose parents own successful businesses able to get government payments, while your own parents struggle to make ends meet and Centrelink tells you to fuck off for one reason or another. It bullshit.
completely agree Blitzy
Apolyom-Todd said:
So I just spat at the bitch in my loudest speaking voice "so I guess I should just go out and get drugged up, fuck some slut and leave her in the street... then maybe beat up my parents a little. Nice to see the government is setting a good example for kids these days!"
Well fucking said!