John Not Ready?...

Jun 2, 2002
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This was gunna get posted anyways, so figured I would do it.....

On January 23, 2007, Bob Nalbandian of Shockwaves magazine conducted a 36-minute interview with ARMORED SAINT/ex-ANTHRAX vocalist John Bush about Bush's current status with ANTHRAX and his future plans. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET from Shockwaves Podcast #9):

Shockwaves: A lot of people are wondering, everyone wants to know your side. What is the situation with ANTHRAX right now — with you and ANTHRAX?

John Bush: The situation is, ironically enough, I'm actually still a member of the band legally, although I haven't really made any decisions relating to the band in the last couple of years. But on a legal level, I'm still a member of the band. It was March of 2005, I guess… That was the last tour I did with the band, which was that South American thing that we did, which was awesome, and that was it. So I, mean, a bunch of stuff has gone on — and we don't wanna get into that — but the bottom line is that we're here now almost two years after that, and there's been talk about doing some writing, and I'm just not ready to do that with ANTHRAX yet. Ever? I don't know. I live my life kind of like that anyway. [adopting a David Lee Roth singing voice] "I live my life like there's no tomorrow…" Anyway, I do really like to live my life that way, and so I can't really speak for the future too much as much as I can speak for the present, and the present, right now, it's just not where I'm at mentally. I've kind of got other things going on in my life that are really my priorities and therefore to get into a situation of just writing, I think, is a commitment, and as little of a commitment as it may be perceived as, it's still a commitment. So for me to go, "Yeah, I'll do some writing," to me that kind of says, well, I'm not just doing some writing — "Hey, we'll write a couple of songs, and hey, maybe we'll do something with it." I know the bigger picture, and the bigger picture is if you're writing songs, it's commitment, and I don't wanna give them any false sense of commitment that I'm not willing to follow through on. And so that's why I've declined that. And that's about as far as I've taken it. I don't know what they're gonna do other than that — I think that's kind of in their world — but as far as me writing with the band, as of January 23, 2007, I'm not ready to do that.

Shockwaves: A lot of people are wondering what you've done since the departure. Obviously you're a family man now. You've got a young daughter and you've got a second one on the way…

John Bush: A son.

Shockwaves: Son?

John Bush: Yeah, a little boy. [laughs] You find out that stuff here after about five months or so.

Shockwaves: Congratulations.

John Bush: Yeah, it'll be awesome.

Shockwaves: You're also involved in your wife's casting company, and you've done quite a bit of commercials yourself.

John Bush: Well, that's separate — that's voiceover stuff. That's my thing — I was doing some voiceover work, and I've done some work…

Shockwaves: Can you talk about some of the stuff?

John Bush: Yeah. I have an agent as well. I do voiceover work — well, when I get it. It had been a long time since I actually got a job, and then I finally got a job a couple of months ago, and it was just a big job — it was Burger King. It's also with Xbox — Xbox made these videos for Burger King that they sold exclusively through Burger King and they were looking for a new voice for the campaign, and I got it. So it was cool, and it's been pretty nice, and it's fun, and the commercials are funny. The director's good. It's this guy Kinka Usher, who's done a bunch of commercials, and probably done music videos as well — I can't think of who off the top of my head. But they're cool commercials, and it's fun. And I like doing it. Voiceover's fun. I'm still using my voice in some capacity other than not singing, really. And that's it. And then my wife's company — we have our own business, and this is a casting studio that we do commercials out of. When I left the band, I had to say, "OK, how am I gonna make a living?" It wasn't like I was sitting back and relying on my giant, enormous savings. [laughs] I still had to work, so that's what happened. I went into… Obviously my wife has a business so I've helped her in various ways, whether it's helping her cast commercials or doing janitorial duties, or whatever… I'm not above it, so I don't give a shit. But, yeah, that's the story. It's been great, 'cause it's our own little family business and it's neat. And it's been helpful, and it pays the bills. I did some stuff with [ARMORED] SAINT — we did some shows. Actually, I think we're gonna do the Rock Hard Festival [in Germany] — one show in May. That's pretty much almost confirmed now. Mainly because we're really good friends with the writers of that magazine — they've been supportive through the years of my career and ARMORED SAINT's career, so they want us to play, so it's a one-off in May, so that should be cool. But other than that, I don't have any plans with SAINT because…

Shockwaves: You did England, too?

John Bush: We did some dates last summer. It was real fun. We had a good time.

Shockwaves: It was your first time in England, huh?

John Bush: Nah. Second time. We played London in 1991, but we never really did any other dates in the U.K. other than that, so we feel like that was cool. We did some festivals, and we played some local shows — being the Galaxy and Anaheim, and, of course, House of Blues [in West Hollywood] with DEATH ANGEL and FLOTSAM [AND JETSAM], and that was awesome. But I'm not looking to do some big thing with ARMORED SAINT right now either. That would be a commitment that I'm not willing to make either at this point. The handful of shows was fun, and it was easy, the House of Blues was awesome — we never played there as ARMORED SAINT. It was packed and it was a great gig. Like I told the guys, "Let's cherish this memory, because this could be it." [laughs] "So you'd better really embrace this one." I mean, 'cause it was. What are we gonna do? Go try and play it again? It's just unrealistic, at least at this point.

Shockwaves: What about recording with ARMORED SAINT? Have you been writing with Joey [Vera, bass] at all or getting together with him?

John Bush: No. I mean, we've talked about it. Joey's kind of been pretty occupied with his life and his family and he did his own solo record, so I don't think the time is now for that. It's also a big bite to chew, and I don't think that's where my mind is at either. It's funny… Not to look at it like I'm some "true man to his art," because most of those people that say that shit are full of shit, but the real fact of the matter is — and I think this is something that everyone should really appreciate — I've gotta love it. I've gotta love it, I've gotta believe in it, I've gotta want it. And if I don't want it — whatever that may be — then I'm not gonna do it. And I think that should be admired, because I could probably do different things for a couple of various reasons that probably are superficial and not real genuine, and I'm just unwilling to do that at this stage of my life. Again, I don't know what the future holds — all I know is right now this is where my head's at. For me to go, "OK, let me do an ANTHRAX record because I can or because maybe those guys wanna do one, but my heart's not in it," I don't wanna sell that short, because I'm really proud of everything that I've done in that band — we've made amazing records, regardless of the sales; especially "We've Come for You All" was an awesome record. And for me to go into a position where I'm not, like, super serious about it and wanting to do it, and the desire is not there, I think I'd be selling myself, the rest of the band and the whole fanbase short. And so why would I do that? That's my theory.

Shockwaves: Where do you see [yourself going from here musically]?

John Bush: I don't know yet. Like I said, I don't think it's something that I have to really worry about too much right now. I think that time will decide as to what my future is. I know that's kind of vague — no one really wants to hear that, especially a journalist — but I'm being honest. I just don't know. I think that whatever I do next, I wanna make sure that my heart's into it, and if it's not, then I don't wanna do anything. 'Cause I feel that my catalog of music speaks for itself. So it's not like I feel like I've gotta rush to hurry up and make something because otherwise people will forget. I know that I run that risk, and that's OK — I'm OK with that. But the reality is whatever I do next, I just wanna love it, so that I can give it the love that it deserves. So until I feel that, I don't know. I do know that I'm doing a song with Peter Wichers, who was in SOILWORK, who is the guy that is orchestrating this whole Nuclear Blast 20th anniversary record that's gonna come out this year sometime. We've written a song together, I think it's really cool. I still have to record it. I'm excited about that. It came really quickly to me, as far as writing it, so I think that gives me a lot of hope for the fact that I still have the ability to write songs. And so when the next step comes to doing that, I'll be ready. But when that'll be, I don't know.

To download Shockwaves Podcast #9, featuring the entire 36-minute interview with John Bush (plus a chat with former MEGADETH and current F5/TEMPLE OF BRUTALITY bassist David Ellefson), click here (30 MB).

Well, sorry if this upsets anyone, but that is the first cohesive and coherent statement any of the band, past or present, have made on their feelings so far in the matter.

Fair play to John, he knows his heart wouldn't be in it and that the writing would suffer and not be as good as WCFYA, so he steps back from it.

A shame for us fans, but a position you gotta respect, no...?
This is the reason why I will continue to follow John Bushs career weather he's fronting Anthrax or not. Through all this shit, he's been a class act. Not wanting to come back because you've started a family, you don't want to tarnish what you've accomplished or you just don't have the heart for it at the moment are reasons that I can understand and respect.

If "the core of Anthrax" had a pair, they'd write the entire fucking album without Bush and then ask him to lay down the vocals a few months down the road when he was into doing it. But the green stuff is gonna run out soon and we can't have that can we?

JB has a fan for life right here. I hopped on the 'thrax wagon because of him. Oddly enough, I was never a fan of Armored Saint musically but I loved the vox. It was the opposite for Anthrax. Musically they were the fucking shit, but their lead singer sucked a cock of Journey sized proportions. Enter John Bush. Crunchy riffs, double bass drum attacks and gatecrashing vocals. So what if they (as most metal bands) were on their "last legs" @ the beginning of the grunge era? They continued to make good shit and I bought it.

It's sad that we live in a world where the legends get left behind for flavors of the month, but you've had your chance at re-gaining past glories. You called it a reunion. You got all you were ever gonna get outta that and now it's time to move forward on the right path or hang it the fuck up. Here's a hint, if Bush isn't fronting the band then you're not on the right path.
Things aren't looking so good for Anthrax.
But I have to say, it's very refreshing to hear some honest straight forward answers, even if I don't like them.
If John decides not to return to Anthrax, well I'm cool with that (not that it matters) but I guess the question is, what path will Anthrax take now? I hope they just call it a day. Start a new band or something, I don't know?
my guess is Charlie n Scott, write as much as they can of new material and hope John Bush has a change of heart in the meantime...or once they have an albums worth of Material..(once Charlie finishes writing it) they will determine what direction to go in and with what or old...
Doesn't sound like John Bush is starving, he seems pretty content,,, and good for him, he has a new family etc. and I love the Whopper too!
Wow, certain people should read this and learn what integrity and class is. I have so much respect for John, he's the one standing above the others in all this shitty story.

Of course I would like John back, but if it's not done for the right reasons and it doesn't feel right off the bat, then so be it.

I was a hell of a ride while it lasted. R.I.P. Anthrax (well the good era with John)...
Well, sorry if this upsets anyone, but that is the first cohesive and coherent statement any of the band, past or present, have made on their feelings so far in the matter.

Fair play to John, he knows his heart wouldn't be in it and that the writing would suffer and not be as good as WCFYA, so he steps back from it.

A shame for us fans, but a position you gotta respect, no...?

I completely agree with this statement. What a stand up guy.
For the love of black Jesus I hope Scott and Charlie don't try to spin this to make themselves out to be victims.

For the record I'm not saying they will I'm just saying I hope they don't.
The only logical step is to wait on John to be ready - record a bunch of demos, send him a few every now and again, and hope he gets excited about the record. Make it really, really good, something he'd be excited about being a part of. Give him time. Maybe even try to get a few one-off WCFYA lineup shows - afterall, he said he didn't want a commitment - but one-off shows obviously aren't a commitment, as he's doing a few with Saint. It might take time, but I'd be willing to wait a few years for the WCFYA lineup to regroup, it would be worth the wait for them to make this work again - I think it would be a huge mistake to get a new singer and still call it Anthrax.