John Not Ready?...

Anyone else notice it says "as of January 23, 2007" - When did we all find out about the reunion being over?

Anwyay, John Bush - Thank God someone from the band can give real answers that don't just spin around in circles. Hopefully he will find a heart to do something musicaly again, but in the meantime, at least he is not slinging out bullshit answers. Looking for***d to hear whatever he may do next!
John is cool I hope he enjoys all his time with his wife and kids. And does whatever he wants.

For Anthrax - Maybe they should find a lead guitar player, write and record with Scott and Frank sharing vocals and keep the songs under 4.5 minutes; mixing in punk and metal or whatever they want. And they could also not call it Anthrax.

Just my two cents because folks have metioned Frank and Scott on the other threads about new singers.
War...what is it good for?

Buddy, thank you for posting this! John really comes off as a class act and content with his life outside the band. Whatever he does, I wish him the best.
Well if Anthrax doesn't find a new singer...I think there's a good possiblilty of them having a reunin with John sometime in the future.
This is the reason why I will continue to follow John Bushs career weather he's fronting Anthrax or not. Through all this shit, he's been a class act. Not wanting to come back because you've started a family, you don't want to tarnish what you've accomplished or you just don't have the heart for it at the moment are reasons that I can understand and respect.

If "the core of Anthrax" had a pair, they'd write the entire fucking album without Bush and then ask him to lay down the vocals a few months down the road when he was into doing it. But the green stuff is gonna run out soon and we can't have that can we?

JB has a fan for life right here. I hopped on the 'thrax wagon because of him. Oddly enough, I was never a fan of Armored Saint musically but I loved the vox. It was the opposite for Anthrax. Musically they were the fucking shit, but their lead singer sucked a cock of Journey sized proportions. Enter John Bush. Crunchy riffs, double bass drum attacks and gatecrashing vocals. So what if they (as most metal bands) were on their "last legs" @ the beginning of the grunge era? They continued to make good shit and I bought it.

It's sad that we live in a world where the legends get left behind for flavors of the month, but you've had your chance at re-gaining past glories. You called it a reunion. You got all you were ever gonna get outta that and now it's time to move forward on the right path or hang it the fuck up. Here's a hint, if Bush isn't fronting the band then you're not on the right path.

agreed fully but not with the armored saint music , definately one of my favourites
I think is better off without these guys. Charlie and Scott are obviously out of control on some power trip..