Jonas and his vocal production

I feel (being a sound producer) that the only thing that can possibly hold katatonia back is the production of the vocals. In some songs they are relatively clear however in others they get lost and muffled. Jonas has a great voice for the depressiveness they want in their sound, but it is also important for the words to be clear. The same goes for when they are live, the vocals at the last concert i went to were almost none existent. A live situation can be forgiven but a final recording needs to captivate the listener. Just a little tweak in the old EQ would probably help, but then again this is something that maybe Katatonia would consider looking into.

I wander what anyone else thinks?
i never thought there was anything wrong with the vocals, i love them. and as for live, my friend went on for ages about how clear and great they were live. what vocals are we talking about anyway? growls or clean vocals are we talking about?

anyway welcome to the forum. :D
Ok, I know what you mean about the vocal production and it sounds like he always has a bit of chorus (effect) on them. Not only that but he often multitracks his vocals and you can tell because sometimes the notes are different and even sharper or flat, esp on Discouraged Ones ! His later vocal production sounds odd because of the slight effects used at times, esp delay.... but also consider that his vocal performance is also part of this... and remember that he did not start out doing clean vocals, but he has come a long way i think !
Multitracked vocals, delay and reverb are used with like 99.99% bands out there.. that is not something unique to Katatonia. There are also many other bands whos vocalist are less intelligible than Jonas, by FAR. I'd say Jonas is relatively clear even compared to some popular pop acts. Hmm..
I'm gonna have to agree with you there discouraged1. Especially since you mention Quiet World which is so desperately beautiful in the melody. Sometimes the overall feeling of a song is made that much better by what's missing in the production. Listen to "Song for a Blue Guitar" by the Red House Painters. While it isn't "under-produced" by any stretch, I don't think it would matter to me all that much if it were because of how it rends my emotions to dust.....