Judge sentences Hispanic men to learn English

I honestly don't know why you're even talking about the general populous needing to learn other languages, and I'm still trying to figure it out. The point I've been striving at, if it's not clear yet, is that, while it would obviously be beneficial for all to learn English since it's the most widely used, it is not by any means incumbent upon them to do so. They are fully within their rights to choose not to learn their language and accept whatever consequences flow through that, and depending on what type of life they plan on leading, this might not be much of a problem at all. I'm not sure how this freedom for immigrants to choose not to learn English somehow for you translates into everybody else needing to learn other languages though? Are you suggesting that a population of immigrants will grow so large and unite under a single language banner that it will force the rest of the country to become bilingual? I'm just trying to figure out why you're pitting "immigrants learning English" vs "the rest of the country learning [Spanish]", as if it would actually come to that. Of course, it would be in your best interest to learn Spanish in the same way that it would be in their best interest to learn English, since both languages are widely used, moreso than in other places depending on where you live, but that's not the issue. Would you mind expanding upon why you believe that this issue boils down to what is essentially an "us vs them" language struggle?
I honestly don't know why you're even talking about the general populous needing to learn other languages, and I'm still trying to figure it out. The point I've been striving at, if it's not clear yet, is that, while it would obviously be beneficial for all to learn English since it's the most widely used, it is not by any means incumbent upon them to do so. They are fully within their rights to choose not to learn their language and accept whatever consequences flow through that, and depending on what type of life they plan on leading, this might not be much of a problem at all. I'm not sure how this freedom for immigrants to choose not to learn English somehow for you translates into everybody else needing to learn other languages though? Are you suggesting that a population of immigrants will grow so large and unite under a single language banner that it will force the rest of the country to become bilingual? I'm just trying to figure out why you're pitting "immigrants learning English" vs "the rest of the country learning [Spanish]", as if it would actually come to that. Of course, it would be in your best interest to learn Spanish in the same way that it would be in their best interest to learn English, since both languages are widely used, moreso than in other places depending on where you live, but that's not the issue. Would you mind expanding upon why you believe that this issue boils down to what is essentially an "us vs them" language struggle?

Well, I kind of thought I already did; but I'll try to explain more. As I said, it would be beneficial for immigrants to learn English, simply because it would provide them with better opportunities. And as you said, no; it isn't incumbent upon them to do so. Also, as you said, English is not the declared national language; but I still believe that it doesn't need to be a specified national language in order for people to still realize and understand that immigrants' knowledge of English definitely improves their chances in this country.

Now, I'm speaking about it in an "us or them" manner because what I'm encouraging is the unification of speech to one formal language to improve communication and opportunity (as I said); however, there is another way to go about this. That would be educating the American populace on the languages of immigrants venturing into this country. My point revolves around building bridges between cultures, and breaking down the communication barrier, providing better opportunities for immigrants, and making communication easier for all citizens of the nation. This doesn't necessarily portend that all immigrants will be the ones who will have to learn English. It could also mean that (because of human rights activists, liberal left-wingers, whatever) the people of the United States are the ones to learn the languages in order to build these bridges. I agree that Americans should learn other languages (I myself am at fault; I took Latin in high school), but not for the purpose of accomodating immigrants. And I absolutely see the enforcement of Americans to learn new languages as a possible conclusion to this problem of gaps between different ethnic groups living within the U.S.

I don't know, to me this seems plausible and likely. Maybe it doesn't as much to you.
Don't call me nigga.
Twas in jest, though I get the feeling that this will be lost on you. Sorry for any confusion of inference.

I guess maybe I shouldn't have made it sound like I meant all Mexicans.

Yes the ones in areas with mostly Mexicans don't try to learn English, but then again theres so many intolerant people that they would probably move away from those areas, so there wouldn't be much of a problem.
And you know this how?

It pisses me off how I hear people say on the news "I do my grocery shopping here, and everyone speaks Spanish". Well you have a problem here you can either
a) Learn the tiny amount of words that will allow you to do your grocery shopping
b) Shop somewhere else

Well, no one goes to France demanding people to speak English and no one goes to the Phillipines demanding everyone learn English along with Tagalog. Wether it is LEGALLY THE OFFICIAL language or not, there come into play common sense people.....somewhere in the equation, for fuck's sake.

Its stupid how people sit around and let stuff piss them off. If you have a problem, do something about it, don't just tell the world what to do.
Exactly: don't tell everyone around you to accept spanish when they all speak english, and...well, vice versa.

Oh, I'm as white as they come and personally:
Not all of us shun other languages, but there needs to be a respect of even "unofficial" national languages.
And you know this how?

I don't know this but its just a guess. Since theres so many white Americans who are intolerant and a bit xenophobic. So since they bitch about Mexicans they would probably move away from where they lived if where they lived was starting to get populated by Mexicans.
We have them here too, only in Pakistani form.

And no you don't but there is no point in making it harder for people to communicate. Learn the language or gtfo, that should go for everywhere.
Also they (you =P) wouldn't need to pay for an interpreter if they knew how to speak the language.
Not the basics. Point is that a huge amount of foreigners have no interest in learning the language and contribute to society.

I don't know what you mean by "the basics" but the basics don't really get all that far. A year of a Japanese class won't be enough to live in Tokyo.

I wouldn't say they have no interest learning the language. I mean they're coming to this country. There are a lot of people in South America who are trying to learn English. Not necessarily because they want to come here, but because many famous bands and lots of big tv shows and movies are in English. So of course they want to understand it. Many of the people I have met in Colombia and Peru spoke much better English than Americans speak Spanish.

And contributing to society? So no other ethnic groups have no interest in contributing to society? What about the people who steal and have organized crime. They have no interest in contributing. In fact I'd say a good chunk have no interest.
Just because illegals don't pay taxes doesn't mean they don't contribute. Every time someone says "those Mexicans shouldn't be here" I tell them to watch this movie.

We have them here too, only in Pakistani form.

And no you don't but there is no point in making it harder for people to communicate. Learn the language or gtfo, that should go for everywhere.

I don't really communicate without people who don't speak English on a regular basis. I'm sure not that many people on this site do. And it really does not impact my day. And when I do have to speak Spanish to someone its "where is this" or something people would know if they payed attention in Spanish.
You basically said nothing in this post. Once again you say that Americans will be forced by "liberal left-wingers" to learn the immigrants language and that just is just ridiculous fear mongering. No has to learn any language. Stop painting this as some kind of struggle or something we have to do.

I feel I said a lot. You just don't agree with it. Which is fine.
Not the basics. Point is that a huge amount of foreigners have no interest in learning the language and contribute to society.

They don't contribute? They contribute billions of dollars to our economy and also to our culture... what we can call "our" culture... since americans seem to think all our culture is original... when the vast majority isn't and originated elsewhere... plus them not knowing english creates certain jobs for others who speak non-english... but anyways for the most part it is the parents who do not speak english & the kids who learn it... and about the only place you encounter them is at the mall... for the most part all ethnic immigrants tend to stay in neighborhoods of the same ethnicity which most if not all of you do not even venture in so what is the fucking problem?... as for me saying Americans should learn different languages.. i did not mean to accomodate immigrants but merely to appear as cultured and intelligent as the rest of the world especially Europe where alot of countries tend to know more then one language... damn do i need to post that language joke about Americans tomorrow... but please spare me the statement that you only wish immigrants happiness and opportunity by learning our language because you don't... it's a crock of shit... most americans imo are anti-immigrant and could care less about them...
...but please spare me the statement that you only wish immigrants happiness and opportunity by learning our language because you don't... it's a crock of shit... most americans imo are anti-immigrant and could care less about them...

I don't think you can presume to tell me what I mean or don't mean. Furthermore, don't lump me in with "most Americans," because that's just as ignorant as all of us "anti-immigrants" you seem to despise so much. You're the very face of bigotry that you argue against.

If that's all you can come up with, then I believe we're done.
I don't think you can presume to tell me what I mean or don't mean. Furthermore, don't lump me in with "most Americans," because that's just as ignorant as all of us "anti-immigrants" you seem to despise so much. You're the very face of bigotry that you argue against.

If that's all you can come up with, then I believe we're done.
That is the way I see you and most people in this country especially when all i hear is anti-immigrant rants in the media and in public... history repeats itself whenever a new immigrant group comes here like the italians/jews/eastern europeans in the past except the descendents of those immigrants are now the bigots... so yes I am a bigot against such people since my parents are immigrants who never learned english fluently because it's difficult for them though they tried(citizens now) and im 2nd generation in this country... so the BS i hear hits home you can say...