Judge sentences Hispanic men to learn English

It's true, I live in Northern Mexican Central, and most of them just refuse to make an attempt at learning. Why would they when everything is catered to those who don't know? In many parts of town it's actually more detrimental to not know Spanish than English.
yeah thats fucked. To be honest, I think this whole thing is total bullshit. We still invaded on there land and there property( by settling here etc). But I havent taken part in this discussion, so I dont really know what happened.
That was like 200 years ago. If you want to go by that logic we should all be saying "how". The point is, we own it now... you should abide by our rules, the same way we would have to if we went there. I personally think there should be some sort of basic English skills test on the application for citizenship.

As for illegals, well... that's a whole other conversation.
That was like 200 years ago. If you want to go by that logic we should all be saying "how". The point is, we own it now... you should abide by our rules, the same way we would have to if we went there. I personally think there should be some sort of basic English skills test on the application for citizenship.

As for illegals, well... that's a whole other conversation.

There is not "rule" that you have to know English you stupid fucking schmuck. There is no official fucking language of the US, regardless of how overwhelmingly prominent one is over all others. Until English is made the OMG OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, you all need to seriously shut the fuck up and stop bitching, because knowing English is not a necessary condition of being a United States citizen, regardless of what the millions of uneducated hicks and retarded judges across the nation think. The fact that there are small, niche communities all around the country from many different backgrounds, not just Hispanic, but also many different Eastern European countries, Arab, Jewish, Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, etc., where the overwhelmingly predominant language is the language of their ancestral lands, in no way reduces their rights as citizens and certainly does not put them on a lower stature than a good, God fearing, apple pie eating, baseball playing, flag saluting, English speaking, right white and blue blood patriotic American.

Fuck off to all of you ignorant faggots.
I thought you weren't going to post things like that anymore? Anyway, good calls.

EDIT: by "things like that" I mean arguments against people you deem ignorant because you're tired of wasting time on it?

And please don't say "BECAUSE ALL OTHER COUNTRIES HAVE THEIR OWN ENFORCED OFFICIAL LANGUAGE LOLWTF". America was founded and still stands on very different and atypical ground compared to most countries.
Regardless of whether or not English should be the official language, the mere fact that it's not means that your whole fucking point is utterly stupid and baseless. I don't know how the myth that the US has an official language has ever crept into the public psyche, but it has, and it has deluded people into believing that if you don't speak English, you're not American, and some people, like Krigloch and his hatred of "stupid ass spanish," have even evidently taken so far as to detest the very idea of knowing another language.

Personally, I wouldn't object to making English the official language of the country. After all, it is obviously the overwhelmingly predominant language and is the de facto official language of public address. But again, that is irrelevant to the current reality in which there is no official language, so irrational hatred of those who don't speak English is truly baseless. Trust me, I'm sure these people not knowing English hurts them a lot more than it hurts you.
*applauds Necuratul*

Great posts. In Canada both French and English are our official languages, though very few Anglo-Canadians outside of Quebec and New Brunswick are actually fluent in both. When I was back in grade school I remember not liking French class, but in retrospect I wish the system had forced me to learn it; who knows it could have even proved extremely useful.
The underlying issue is that English is the language spoken by those in power, and those who don't speak English are discriminated.
There is not "rule" that you have to know English you stupid fucking schmuck. There is no official fucking language of the US, regardless of how overwhelmingly prominent one is over all others. Until English is made the OMG OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, you all need to seriously shut the fuck up and stop bitching, because knowing English is not a necessary condition of being a United States citizen, regardless of what the millions of uneducated hicks and retarded judges across the nation think. The fact that there are small, niche communities all around the country from many different backgrounds, not just Hispanic, but also many different Eastern European countries, Arab, Jewish, Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, etc., where the overwhelmingly predominant language is the language of their ancestral lands, in no way reduces their rights as citizens and certainly does not put them on a lower stature than a good, God fearing, apple pie eating, baseball playing, flag saluting, English speaking, right white and blue blood patriotic American.

Fuck off to all of you ignorant faggots.

Seriously, you're a real fucking asshole. You can't just make your point in a civilized manor, however valid it may be. You have to include unnecessary insults towards your opponent. You seem like an intelligent person, yet you ruin by being a complete dick every time you put your fingers to the keyboard.

As for the discussion... I was actually not aware that we were without an official language. I in no way discriminate against those who do not speak English, though it is severely annoying when communication is imperative and it comes down to a crude game of improvised charades.
In light of this new knowledge, I now fully support an implement of English as our official language. Having everyone speaking the same language just make day to day life easier.
Despite this, I still think if you come to America, you should learn English out of courtesy. Even if we don't have an officially established language, it's not like it's a mystery as to what we speak here. To make absolutely no effort to at least learn basic conversational English is absurd to me.
To make absolutely no effort to at least learn basic conversational English is absurd to me.

The point is, most of them DO try to learn basic English, they just really suck at it. It's fucking hard to learn a new language at 30-40 and older, or even in the 20's or teens.

This does not mitigate the fact that some immigrants do not, but in their case they shouldn't expect us to cater to them, and I for one do not unless I'm required to (I.E. talking to a Spanish speaking customer at a job)