Judge sentences Hispanic men to learn English

Shut the fuck up, you're so intolerant. A lot of them are trying as hard as they can to learn English as fast as possible (and they should all do it). I agree with the judge, but ignorance just pisses me off. Try learning being so poor you have to go to another country illegally, then try learning the language. Its annoying how people expect everyone to learn the language as soon as they step on American soil, don't bitch because they haven't learned it yet. I have a shitload of Koreans and Chinese where I live and in certain parts of town I can hardly find any one who speaks English but you don't see me bitching.
Yeah, seriously.
If someone's been in America for 30 years and doesn't speak a word of english I might get annoyed, but seriously...it's really not a big deal.

Hint... it's also not legal in America.
Dog meat?
Honestly, if Maine broke off and joined Canada, I think the rest of us would be mildly annoyed for a bit then forget about it. Maine is really pointless. More pointless than Pennsylvania, even. At least we used to be important.
Massachusetts might leave. But it wouldn't join Canada. We'd form our own nation. Actually, just the Boston area. We'd set charges around the area, blow them, and pole off into the Atlantic to merge with Sealand.
Thats why you read labels on all kinds of goods and see stupid ass spanish on it.
You see signs on buildings with that shit on there.

We arent here to cater to their fucking needs! Learn fucking English.
I dont care if you're Mexican, Russian, Chinese... Learn English!

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Advertencia! Los posts del Krig pueden ser peligrosos para su inteligencia.
Honestly, if Maine broke off and joined Canada, I think the rest of us would be mildly annoyed for a bit then forget about it. Maine is really pointless. More pointless than Pennsylvania, even. At least we used to be important.

Indeed. Quick and painless. Win-win.

Massachusetts might leave. But it wouldn't join Canada. We'd form our own nation. Actually, just the Boston area. We'd set charges around the area, blow them, and pole off into the Atlantic to merge with Sealand.

Even if Massacusetts wanted to secede by more conventional means, its much more valuable to the rest of the nation than Maine. So I guess you're stuck in Jesus Land.
Nah, Maine won't break away. It doesn't matter if it's a useless state or not (and I'm not saying it is, that just seems to be what people are implying). It's more a matter of pride than anything else. America would never let one of its states secede and join "Canadia." We'd go to war over it first.

And probably lose. Canadia probably has some secret weapon they've been building for the past century.
Warning! Krig's posts may be hazardous to your intelligence.

Advertencia! Los posts del Krig pueden ser peligrosos para su inteligencia.

I was watching the first disc of the extended version of The Return of the King last night, so I decided to make some popcorn, and it amused the shit out of me thinking of Krigloch as I noticed the bold print on the package which I'm assuming said in Spanish that Spanish directions could be found on the other side of the package. Such phrases as "git 'r done" and "they took our jeorbs!" and "boogity boogity boogity, let's go racing!" came to mind.
Shut the fuck up, you're so intolerant. A lot of them are trying as hard as they can to learn English as fast as possible (and they should all do it). I agree with the judge, but ignorance just pisses me off. Try learning being so poor you have to go to another country illegally, then try learning the language. Its annoying how people expect everyone to learn the language as soon as they step on American soil, don't bitch because they haven't learned it yet. I have a shitload of Koreans and Chinese where I live and in certain parts of town I can hardly find any one who speaks English but you don't see me bitching.

SHIIIIIIIIIIIT, nigga, please. I live in Mexican central, and we have AMERICAN born hispanics that refuse to learn English. We also have PLENTY of illegals (and legal mexican immigrants) who refuse to learn english. So don't hand anyone that bullshit about "oh they're trying to learn english as fast as possible" until you KNOW what you're talking about. Stupidest post I've read so far......