Judge sentences Hispanic men to learn English

The opposite is true for many illegal immigrants. They can speak the language better than read/write it because they immerse themselves in our culture and are forced to verbally communicate.

We, on the other hand, have the privilege of not having to immerse ourselves in their culture, and so it's easier for us to learn the language through formal literacy education. The downside to that is that it isn't the most effective way to become fluent in a foreign language, because you aren't constantly surrounded by people speaking that language whom you may need to speak with.

This is why immigrants can speak English much better than most anglophones in the US can speak Spanish, because the immigrants have to learn English in order to survive, whereas we have the privilege of natively speaking the tongue of the dominant cultural system.
English should be our official language.
It kinda already is.
I don't think this judge should be able to decide on any sentence that he thinks is appropriate. The sentences he is giving will probably not solve anything. There should be more limits on sentences for judges. It is much more common for judges to give extremely harsh sentences for even minor crimes. This is only one judge in one court, there are not many judges that are concerned with getting educations for criminals.
If the defendants appeal, the sentence will probably be overturned because it's unusual (constitution says "no cruel or unusual punishment"). However, this sentence is better for everyone - learning english and getting a GED > getting fucked in the ass in jail, which is what they would have gotten normally. And for the rest of us, paying to educate them is cheaper than paying to imprison them. Also, there's a lower chance that they will commit more crimes in the future. So I think this is a good sentence, and that more judges should give similar sentences. It's become more and more common in the US to try people under 18 as adults and sentence them to lengthy sentences. This is a bad thing, in my mind.
I'm glad so many people actually agree with the judge. English is the national language of America. It might seem cruel, but every nation demands identity, and language is a major part of identity.

But let's not get into the whole national socialism argument again.
I don't think this judge should be able to decide on any sentence that he thinks is appropriate. The sentences he is giving will probably not solve anything. There should be more limits on sentences for judges. It is much more common for judges to give extremely harsh sentences for even minor crimes. This is only one judge in one court, there are not many judges that are concerned with getting educations for criminals.

do i really need to explain why manditory minimums are TERRIBLE? they are the reason our prisons are slammed full right now.

So is Mexico doing anything to encourage its citizens to stay within its borders?

no, as a matter of fact when the US, Canada, and Mexico had their summit a year or 2 ago the issue was discussed. basically, the mexican government doesnt care. they have no interest stopping it. as a matter of fact, alot of people got the impression that they are glad to see em go. less people they have to take care of, but with money still flowing into the country (since these immigrants send alot of money back to their family in mexico). what does the mexican government stand to gain by keeping people in the country?
How is forcing someone to learn a language 'cruel and unusual' punishment?
It's "unusual"
I think that bit would better read "cruel or unusual"
Basically, back then there was nothing unusual about public flogging (I'm making this up, but that sort of thing had been practiced not long before in Europe), but it's still "cruel," so it's a no go. Meanwhile, there's nothing cruel about sentencing someone to consuming 3 pounds of cheesecake, but it would be unusual. So that's also a no go.
Basically, the idea is to prevent any abuse from judges. The judge can do something unusual if he wants. However, if the defendant challenges it, the sentence will be overturned. However, in a case like this, where the unusual sentence is good for the defendant, an appeal is unlikely.
Thats why you read labels on all kinds of goods and see stupid ass spanish on it.
You see signs on buildings with that shit on there.

We arent here to cater to their fucking needs! Learn fucking English.
I dont care if you're Mexican, Russian, Chinese... Learn English!

Shut the fuck up, you're so intolerant. A lot of them are trying as hard as they can to learn English as fast as possible (and they should all do it). I agree with the judge, but ignorance just pisses me off. Try learning being so poor you have to go to another country illegally, then try learning the language. Its annoying how people expect everyone to learn the language as soon as they step on American soil, don't bitch because they haven't learned it yet. I have a shitload of Koreans and Chinese where I live and in certain parts of town I can hardly find any one who speaks English but you don't see me bitching.