julia from uranium is not as cool as i once perceived


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
yeah maybe only seeing her for a few seconds during the first couple times I watched is what made me think she was hot. But then i watched four installments this week of her at the Worcester metalfest interviewing bands and realized she is really really dumb.

and dumbness really made her less hot in my eyes.

however, i did see yeat another shadows fall video which was pretty cool. and a strapping young lad video.
i think the strappng young lad video i saw had some pretty uninteresting stuff going on with the guitars and everything but i mean i was in a pissy mood and hearing thrash metal always helps so i enjoyed it.
ok so watching julia interview bands is like spiderman's black costume. you want to keep watching but it slowly devours your energy.

no seriously, i swear i could feel my brain rotting whilst watching. Granted my main reason for watching is for videos because i haven't had a program to regularly watch metal videos in a while.

But i mean rikki rachtman posed more interesting questions than her. When you talk to a band I want to hear about where they are coming from as musicians or some kind of question about their art.

I don't want to hear someone ask the bands how many groupies they get, or where they go to jerk off, or if being the only female in the band gives the band sexual tension. WTF?!!!
