
Aug 20, 2007
22 Acacia Avenue
This is "JUST A STORY" it could be "A True Story" it could be "A Made Up Story" or "A Story You've Been Told"

one person starts and finishes that story, no add on or add ins. you can start your story how you like it could start with "One Day" or "One Night" or even "Once Upon A Time" its totally up to the person telling the story. The ending is the same it could have "A Happy Ending" "A Crappy Ending" or "A Sad Ending" once again Its up to the story teller.


A long time ago there was this young boy he was only 9 years old, I will call him ELVIN, now Elvin was an only child but a happy child, he has a lot of friends, plays Soccer for his school and popular with the girls, yes at 9 years.

He has a hard working mother who works a 9am-3pm job and a farther who is in the British Army 6.30am start and home by tea 5.30pm

One day Elvin's dad came home early and had some news for the family, guess wot? he said......Dead Silence you could hear a pin drop.....no one wants to have a guess wot the news is.....I will tell you, we are on the move again I have been posted.

where to this time Dear..the mother asked, WALES? GERMANY? no the father said we are off to AUSTRALIA so start packing..Elvin looked at his MUM with a tear in his eyes trying not to let them roll down his cheeks and said but mum wot about all my friends, my school, our fish, cat, and the family dog Rex which they've had since Elvin was 3 years old...You see peoples when you get a posting you must have your house spotless, so as the mother works her 9-3 job she has to find time to pack and clean the house as well as cook the meals, whilst Elvins dad plays Soldier.

DAY OF THE MOVE: They get to the Airport and now they start a long 24hour flight............................They land at the BRISBANE AIRPORT They take a cab to a camp which is just off the STORY BRIDGE, two weeks go by Elvin and his mum are bored shitless there is F*ck all to do, Elvin's dad comes home from work tells him...I got you into a school Elvin and your going tomorrow.

Elvin's 1st day at high school, "A STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND" no body talks to Elvin as he is different, he speaks funny, one kid asks him have you played Aussie rules or touch football.....Elvin replied WATS Aussie rules and WATS touch football?...All the kids just laughed at Elvin and he didn't understand why, why are all the kids being nasty towards him.

Elvin was in class he was given some work to do Elvin looked at the work and just scratched his head and said...MISS I don't understand this work I've never done this type of work before. and at that moment the teachers knew Elvin was to young to go to high school, So he was sent home with a note stating he had to repeat grade 6 a year before high school.

Elvin's mum and dad went looking for a prime/school that would take Elvin at such short notice....This one school said yes we can take the boy but he only has 3 months of prime/school left in this year and next year he will be back in high school and he can't repeat this year. It didn't matter to his farther he just wanted Elvin doing something.

Elvin started prime/school he got into a fight the very first day, he just didn't fit in, twas a sad, sad day for Elvin, they picked on him in the morning and all through lunch and in class.

3 O'clock came time to go home Elvin gathered all his books from his locker and started to walk home, The bastards kids waited for Elvin to come down the lane way and started to pick on him knocked his books to the ground and started to call him names and pinching him.

A girl an older girl came down the lane way and recognized Elvin from the high school he attended, she said to the other kids :yell:PISS OFF YOU LITTLE BASTARDS and they ran off, she asked Elvin if he was OK?.. he said yes :) with a smile, yes thanks to you and gave her a big HUG THANK YOU.



Christmas was the best time for us kids when growing up, there was Mum, Dad, and us four kids, every year we would go to midnight mass, do all the singing and wot ever we did, then go home, we would put our pillow cases on the end of our beds each had are name on them with some type of Christmas theme on it.

We would leave cookies and a glass of milk out for Santa and the reindeer's just to say thank you for all the presents.

But then came the grandchildren and Christmas was something of the past, a story, a sad story because your Mum and Dad spent more time with the grandchildren than they did their own.

I loved Christmas dinner the family would gather at mum and dads and we would have the biggest dinner had all the trimmings, we would have the best time do all the singing that you do and we'd have a laugh, it was the second best thing.

now Mum and Dad are gone, passed away from the big C word our family split into two, I only speak to my older brother now, on the other side is my sister, three kids, one boy two girls, one girl has two of her own, then theirs my younger brother married and has two boys, we don't speak anymore.

I found out how close our close family really was after mum and dad past away, the spirit of family was gone, my world was crushed, so now Christmas to me is just another day, just like my Birthday, as having a birthday two days before Christmas meant your birthday was your Christmas...If you know wot I mean..:erk:

So now I always look forward to the new year as it means I have 11months to prepare myself for a another heartache of remembering all the good times I once had and how fake it all was.

So from the bottom of my heart I WISH YOU ALL A VERY MERRY AND SAFE CHRISTMAS.

Cheers :kickass: maiden1
jut now , it's the 23rd of december and i just finished washing the dishes after lunch , i am mad really really mad
i hate it when my brothers come here n start taking my stuffs , mum loves them motre than me , i Hate how they dare taking my lap top , looking throught every file , and not letting me do my work , i hate every single damn person living at home now , i hate them all
my damn mum said earlier that she won't anymore pay for the internet bill , well i am running out of money cos damn she takes every penny i save !
I hate how people can be shitty
i am looking forward to changing my life now , i hate the file i am in , I hate being an anesthesist nurse , hate being obliged to wake up at 5 am to go to the hospital n work there for free then go to college the whole afternoon . I hate those people who dare calling themelves friends , who call only if they need sthn to be done , or if they wanna go out n find no one but you to amuse them , i hate this damn country , i hate every single creature living on surface of earth now
I may sound Emo , but hell i hate emo's , i wanna break someone's face to calm down , prefrably my old grandmothr's

Damn it I am such a kid ,I have been dreaming of so many great things n all i got is a cock on my face , god damn it all started when the fuckers got divorced n that i found myself stuck in between them
I first chosse to stay with dad cos i didn't wanna move from my cosy room n away from my friends ( yeah fuck friends) , but then none of those fuckers helped me , i became dpressed n commited suicide twice unsuccessfully, my health ( both mental n physical ) got worse more n more throught those year n a half , then i escaped home , dad was making my life so miserable , and i came here to live with mum
and I am here for a year n four days now , n i am already so unsatisfied , we ain't even living in our own home , we're living at grandmo's , and i can't have most of the things i am dying for , like going to wacken , like having an amplifier for my baby guitar , a wider room ...

damn every thing is emerging now , i remember when this summer i got the answer of the medical college saying that my score cannot allow me to enter the college of my dreams , i had only 176 when i needed 182 , my whole world collapsed ,the child in me knew that he sucks that he's nothing n that he's doomed to waste .
So i got into a college i don't like , n i am following a field that isn't as interesting as what i am looking for .
I have been making plans lately , i am gonna leave this damn country in two years when i obtain my diploma , i am gonna look for a job in some wasted place n live the life i always wanted , I wanna have my own flat even if tiny and be as maniac as i am naturally , make it the temple of maniac disorder and have so clean , have my baby guitar with me , n so many books
i wanna also be away from pervert teachers , those who try to touch you n frihten you , wanna be away from them , those who try to make believe that u have a sick mental n need to let them explore inseide you so that they can correct you , hell go explore ur own anus bastards !

arg i need to go have some codeine , it will calm me down !