Just bought Undead!

dargormudshark said:
Not yet, but I'll pick it some more of their stuff at progpower, because I'm saving my money up right now.

It was ..... well more than one or two years ago when I was 16 and I can remember what it is like not to have money, but I think you need to get "Modus Vivendi" if you can buddy. I think most of there songs they play live will come from that CD.

Wonderful it is a great album!!!But I must agree on getting the MV album as it will be PRIMARILY showcased, and to continue the "buying" subject I finally got Matters of The Dark and I am loving it :headbang:
Bryant said:
If you promise to buy it, I will burn it for you and send it to you. :tickled: Just PM me your snail mail address.


Good idea Bryant! That's what I do w/friends..I burn them stuff I want to "expose" them to or in my more evil words "infect" them with but always make sure they go out and buy the albums...and most of the time they do...because that I have such good taste of course! :tickled:
dargormudshark said:
Thanks, I pm'd you just now. I'll definately buy it I will probably pick up Sender of Thoughts at the show.

I burn CDs for people that I know will make a purchase if they like it. You wouldn't be on this board if you weren't as big TM fan. No problem........

lol and thanks to your Vanden Plas crazed, music lovin' self I am either buying less or no soda pop next week... so I can get enough to buy that and a few other things from Amazon.com

Bryant said:
I burn CDs for people that I know will make a purchase if they like it. You wouldn't be on this board if you weren't as big TM fan. No problem........

WIntersReflection said:
lol and thanks to your Vanden Plas crazed, music lovin' self I am either buying less or no soda pop next week... so I can get enough to buy that and a few other things from Amazon.com

Ha ha ha you go girl.

Ha ha ha "soda pop." That is something I rarely here. We don't use those words in the South. A few say "soda" but none say "pop." We might drink a Dr. Pepper, but call it a "Coke" or simply a "drink." I'm sorry, I don't know why that is funny, but it's just almost like another language because I never here it down here. I am sure we (southern people) sound the same way saying "ya'll" as opoosed to "you guys." Of course everyone that meets me at PP is in for some culture shock because my southern "drawl" is extremely strong.

Well being from Northern Illinois I have the "standard" (American) English sound but I do have a few odd words, frequently soda pop is shortened here to just pop, due to the "popping" noise the bubbles make.

Bryant said:
Ha ha ha you go girl.

Ha ha ha "soda pop." That is something I rarely here. We don't use those words in the South. A few say "soda" but none say "pop." We might drink a Dr. Pepper, but call it a "Coke" or simply a "drink." I'm sorry, I don't know why that is funny, but it's just almost like another language because I never here it down here. I am sure we (southern people) sound the same way saying "ya'll" as opoosed to "you guys." Of course everyone that meets me at PP is in for some culture shock because my southern "drawl" is extremely strong.

Snowmaker said:
We say pop in Michigan here. Rarely say soda.

Yeah I have first cousins and an aunt and uncle in Grayling Michigan and they say "Paaap." I just say "Coke" like.... "I'm on grab a Coke out of the machine" even if I am buying a Mountain Dew. "I'm on" is short for I am going to. I'll teach ya'll proper English foresover with. :D When the situation calls for it, my English is actually plain and proper though.

Beer in Swedish is called öl or bärs . The latter is slang.
How to pronounce it?
ÖL: The Ö sounds like the U in the english burn and the L sounds like a L.
BÄRS: B (y'all know what that sounds like), Ä sounds like the AI in the english word air but shorter, and finally the RS sounds like the SH in shower.

That's the best instruction I can give you. Why don't you come here and visit Sweden, drink some beer, and learn some Swedish.