Just got a mac, any tips?

Apr 17, 2006
The northlands of Holland.
I got a macbook(have to have one for school)

- Is that garageband program anygood? I havent got a change to try it because it wont let me record for some wierd reason.
- Does the h20 cubase sx3 work on mac?
- do you guys have any settings tips or things to look out for?

Thanks ahead.
Garageband is a good program, IMO. It's really easy to compose in it and not get distracted while doing so.

Tip: Don't use cracked software.
I dont make money of of it, so i can sleep at night lol. And i heard cracking programs in general is hard to do on a mac.

Ok scratch cubase then, how can i fix that dastertly garageband problem? I am a total mac noob. Ive set my soundcard on in and output.
read the instructions.
You have to add a "real instrument track" and you have to change the preferences to whatever input you are using etc.
Just read the instructions its not that hard.
you would not be able to use it on an intel-based mac with OSX. Only Cubase 4 runs on Intel-Mac...

Untrue, I run Cubase SX2 on my intel mac on my XP partition, and it runs flawlessly, it DOESN'T however work on the mac partition...
I guess they didn't program it for intel processors for OSX, but it did work when I was using a G4 with OSX...

and re-reading your post, I think you meant it doesn't work on the intel OSX... So you're totally right, but you can run a PC partition with bootcamp, and run the windows version of it... which I did so that I wouldn't have to buy it again...

You can run any plugin that you can find in an AU format in garageband
why would you sully your nice new mac with both windows and cubendo? and cracked versions at that.
naughty naughty