Just got back from the NYC show

Eddie NYC

Sep 29, 2005
No surprise, great show! Like Baltimore, also played Skeletons and Aftershock. Everyone sounded great and the crowd was definately into the show, especially on the lower floor. First time at this venue, and it was incredible - like Irving Plaza but on a massive dose of steroids.

Scott said at the end of the show there would be a new record out this year, too. Sorry for the short review, but have to run.
Yeah, he did. I'll try to do a review, but I'm fucking exhausted (for the rest of you there, I was the one guy there who wasn't like 6 feet tall, and I was wearing a Maiden shirt).

Manntis - Sounded aright, except for the fact that the guitars were literally inaudible. You could not hear them for shit. They lasted about 15 minutes, no banter in between songs, just down to business, which would have been fine except that all I could hear was drums and screaming.

Sworn Enemy - Didn't know the songs from before, which seemed to take away from the experience, but it was good shit anyway. Lead guitarist surprised me by being competent in areas other than playing standard metal riffs like a machine. Good riffs in general, better than standard hardcore fare. More screaming though...I don't like the screaming very much at all come to think of it. This is where the pits got started, and they were pretty good, but pretty thick too. There was this one really drunk guy running around screaming "you guys fucking suck, your mom's pussy's wet"... or maybe that was during Manntis, too tired.

God Forbid - They were a complete surprise. I expected them to be screamo shit. They were very very good. Pits were great, but people were fucking massive! Heh I almost died...lots of crowd surfing, lots of everything really. They have a pretty big fanbase in NY it seems... fucking great all around.

Anthrax - And they were fucking incredible too. Started off with Among the Living, which was amazing. The front was ridiculously packed, there wasn't room to breathe. Had to move to the back, where I found the pit in time for Metal Thrashing Mad, which everyone sang along to (same with Among the Living). Then came Caught in a Mosh, and for me that was the climax. Afterwards was I think A.I.R, fucking excellent, then I think was A Skeleton in the Closet - around here everyone seemed to start tiring out. Then was I think Medusa, which I stayed out of, at that point I was dead, then Indians, which I got back in for. People got back the energy it had seemed they lost after A Skeleton in the Closet for Medusa and Indians - I think that was the song they started a huge circle pit on. Last before the encore was N.F.L. and that (I think) was where Joey introduced it by holding a note for like 20 seconds straight, pretty cool. Then came the encore, with a song I didn't know (probably off PoT or SoE), then I'm the Man, then Aftershock, and lastly I Am the Law - everyone else was going nuts, I was exhausted by the encore. Then Scott said that they're gonna come out with a new album this year, and it was over. All in all, fucking amazing. Best show I've been to.
Just got back to Jersey from the NYC show, and i gotta say it was quite an awesome performance. This is the 5th time i've seen the band (first with joey/spitz) and the energy tonight was just insane!

^^^Then came the encore, with a song I didn't know
That song was Be all, End all by the way

Set was awesome, glad to hear Skeletons and aftershock, crowd was pretty good the whole night everyone seemed to be really into it. It was funny Scott kinda messed up the intro to Skeletons after he announced it as "the hardest song we ever wrote) also Charlie it seemed smashed a hole in his snare drum which was pretty ridiculous. Kinda bummed they didnt play anything off PoT (besides got the time) i would have loved to heard in my world or blood, but maybe next time!? All in all probably the best Anthrax show i've ever seen, caught a pick from Dan Spitz which was pretty sweet, and im really looking foward to the new album/tour in the future!



Pictures of the marquee from across the street.
Cool pics. That marquee is so Vegas!!! The show was sickkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!
Among, Metal Thrashing Mad, Got The Time, Caught, AIR, Madhouse, Skeleton (yes, I did fuck up in the intro because I forgot to wear a wristband and the pick slipped out of my fingers, what a rookie mistake!), Antisocial, NFL, Medusa, Indians, Be All, I'm The Man, Aftershock, Law.
The circle pit in Indians was the biggest I've seen since the Olympic Auditorium in 1986. Unbelievable. Thank you so much. This was the best show in NYC. The show was incredible and the energy in the crowd was ridiculous.Thank you NYC. Queens in the house!!!!!!!
oh hey Wu.....wow guys sounds fucking amazing !aftershock? i must say thats the last song i would expect to hear live! fucking great tune. Now Wu just bring the boys back to glasgow and bust out that setlist with an added dosage of armed and dnagerous and ill be happy!
i have to agree ... great freaking show ... saw these guys 4 times already ... all with Joey ... but this was by far the best. They sounded and looked better then in their prime.

the band was on fire ... the crowd was on fire ... awesome!!!

good to see that wiry snake back up front ... we even started a JOEY, JOEY chant at one point that got huge ... :loco:

amazing setlist as well ... "skeletons" was a welcome surprise.
What can I say that hasn’t already been said? They were tight, amazing, full of energy and that’s just the crowd. Anthrax last night was superfuckingtackular! Joey was dead on. Loved it when he held that note on NFL for like 20 seconds. To top it off I had the honor if watching the show from the side of the stage and for the first time did not get in the pit at an Anthrax show. I was amazed to see the crowd and the band from their point of view. I was at some points less the two feet from Danny Spitz. He kept turning around gesturing for someone to come closer, till finally one of his daughters came out and stood next to him, off to the side of the stage. I thought it was funny that during I Am The Law he mouthed those words to his daughter. Got to keep em in check while there young, good call Spitz...
To top it off I met Mike Piazza formally of the NY Mets (that other team from across town). What a class act, took the time to sign an autograph for my old man, Thanks Mike! Of course I chatted with Joey, Charlie and Frank for a bit. As always all of them were class acts. And Joey was just great. Offering people a soda or a beer just being a very gracious host. I even had a cup of coffee with him while he chugged his Red Bull. Once I get the pictures developed I'll post em here. Good times people good times. I urge the rest of you to see this tour, you’ll get your moneys worth and then some.
Looking forward to some new songs in 2006. Maybe with Joey perhaps with John, I'm hoping for two singers on one record.
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What an unreal show, fucking insane. I haven't sweated that much at a metal show in god only knows how long.

Also, I really don't think they played "Metal Thrashing Mad." In fact, I'm 99.9% certain.

What I do remember them playing was (not in order):
Among the Living
Caught In A Mosh
I Am the Law
Be All, End All
I'm the Man
Got the Time

Be All was the 1st encore, and I know Law was the final encore, there was something in the middle of them but I can't remember what it was. Might have been I'm the Man.

I knew they'd play more than the 11 songs that were listed in the Baltimore thread.
fucking amazing show. great setlist, great energy, great everything. my friend even caught the kazoo Joey threw into the crowd.

also, im curious as to why Joey didnt play drums on Im the Man
Also, I really don't think they played "Metal Thrashing Mad." In fact, I'm 99.9% certain.

there's gugs math off again ... :loco:
they did play it ... hahaha ... I even sang it with you
When you walk into the Nokia Theater, you walk into a floor area where you can either stay where you are, walk down steps to the stage or go up steps to the permanent seating area. I was in the middle area where you walk in near the railing at the front. I had a perfect view of the stage.

There really isn't anything about the show that I can say that hasn't already been said. It was INFUCKINGCREDIBLE. Madhouse had two pits. The pit for Indians - I can't even describe it. It reminded me of the actual video. It was like everyone in the pit had congregated earlier and planned out what the pit was going to look like - it was that good. This was my third time seeing them this tour and this was the best of the best. Joey was fucking awesome and loving the crowd, and vice versa. Charlie and Scott were incredible as always. Dan was the best I have seen him and Frank, what can I say? The man is AWESOME on stage. They did play Metal Thrashing Mad. It was one of the first songs I believe.

I took pictures. They aren't the best of the best since I was far away for a camera (not for me, saw everything beautifully). Unfortumately, I didn't get that many pictures of Scott though because he was off to my side and the only one who was actually blocked from my view the most or Charlie because he's behind the drum kit. I thought the pit for Indians was so awesome I even took three pictures of some of the people in the pit (other people took pictures of the pit too, that's how fucking awesome it was). If you can see this show, you have to. They wre just that damn good.

Here are the links:

















I also went to the soundcheck and the meet and greet for the CDCers. The soundcheck was the first one I had ever been to. I had no idea what it entailed but it was cool. They were very laid back and friendly, including Dan. They played Madhouse, I think they played Keep It In The Family and one other song I can't remember now. MetalthrashingMark made a huge NOT sign which the guys took. I wish I had remembered to take a picture of him with it. Sound check lasted about 20 minutes and was a good experience overall.

The meet and greet was good. I had hoped to take pictures with them, but we weren't able to take individual pictures with them. Overall, it was a good experience. There were zero problems with the meet and greet this time - if you signed up, you had passes waiting. I went in the last group with Metalthrashingmark, Shana and JAD from the CDC. I also spoke with RandyFlagg. They were super nice people. No one I met yesterday was anything less than nice and friendly.

It was a long day (I left at 12:40 and got home at 2:00 a.m.) but GOD DAMN it was a good day and one I won't ever forget.

Thanks for a kick ass show Wu.