I think this release is going to fizzle out. This release seems comparable to when World At War was released shortly after COD4. Just a quick cash grab for them. It's hard to think that this is a major release that's substantially different considering MW2 was just released a year ago. MW2 was such a short campaign and multiplayer was flawed from the start, I'm thinking Black Ops is just a major MW2 DLC and patch. I won't be buying it. Way too many modders in the xboxlive call of duty community anyway. I've traded in COD 4, MW2 and World At War for Star Wars The Force Unleased II and Fable III. I know, cool story.
played it games utter turd lookds worse then any previous cod game the fires in it looks comparable to early Ps2 games the character movement looks awkwards its just a giant peice of turd save your money or buy MOH wich is really good
I´m playing it on PC. It did not amazed me at first, but I had plenty of fun. Played just a few team deathmatches. I´m still at level 12, so it´s hard to have a decent opinion about the whole game. Anyway, here´s my first impressions (will probably change in the near future).

Good stuff:
-No more deathstreaks (painkillers, martydom and all that bullshit)
-No more Stopping Power (it had too much impact on the game in an uninteresting way).
-Servers ( I hope this will eliminate the cheaters)
-Buying system (you can "buy" the perks and equipments that you want instead of having to level a shitton just to stop being killed by air support because you didn´t had cold blooded/ghost yet).
-Interesting killstreak rewards.
-I loved the new Decoy grenade (it makes gunfire noise and appears on the enemy radar).
-No more Commando perk.
-Great maps. Liked all the ones I´ve played. Much more close quarter combat, vertical action and you don´t have to walk too much to find enemies
-Killstreak kills don´t count for more killstreaks (no more Predator -> Harrier -> Choper Gunner easy combo)
-Numeric ping (no more lies)
-I think the perks are better
-No more heartbeat sensor (it was my favourite attachment, but it was kinda cheap)

Bad stuff:
-No gore at all. There´s a bit of blood and that´s it. Lame.
-Bugs! (I can´t even change my nickname, and several people are having this problem)
-Laggy (I run MW2 with everything maxed like it was notepad, but I´m struggling to get a consistent good FPS on BlackOps)
-Shitty menus GUI (still can´t find how to invite friends to play in the same team)
-Slow (it feels like a console game)
-No more RPD (it was my favourite weapon)
-Average graphics

Well, gotta play more to get a decent feel. Honestly, if I didn´t knew the games, I would probably think that Modern Warfare 2 was released after Black Ops.
Fromgods said:
played it games utter turd lookds worse then any previous cod game the fires in it looks comparable to early Ps2 games the character movement looks awkwards its just a giant peice of turd save your money or buy MOH wich is really good

I have Bad Company 2 and played the new Medal of Honor at my friend's house (uses the same exact engine and shit from BC2) and they both suck ass. I fucking hate those games, I wish I could sell BC2 but a friend bought it for me and I'd feel bad. If it were on fire I wouldn't piss on it to put it out. But you know, if you like really fucking slow game play and if you suck at FPS games, BC2 and MOH are the way to go. I have a feeling most of the people that hate on CoD just can't handle the pace of the game online. Personally I could give a shit about the single-player modes of any of these games, I wish they would release an online-only version for half the price. I'd just buy that instead of paying $60 and only using "half" of the game.
And I am convinced CoD players cannot handle the pace of the likes of Painkiller, Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament ;)

But still, CoD 4 is probably the best MP out of the lot, except for Call of Duty: United Offensive. That game was FUCKING KICKASS.

But meh. If you don't play the SP of all of them up to and including World at War, you're really missing out. The campaigns on CoD 1, 2 and 4 are SPECTACULAR.
So, does it live up to Modern Warfare 2?

Kinda. I guess so. They need to quickly fix the lag bugs, though. People are saying that is something about a memory leak, but I don´t know about this stuff. With some patches I think the game will be great. It´s hard to know for sure as I don´t even know the weapons. The feeling of the game is very different. The LMGs doesn´t have that powerful blasts that I got used to. Even the sound is weaker. But I´m really enjoying playing the game. Two more good things that I´ve noticed is that the spawn points are more caotic, so you usually don´t have to walk too much to find the enemies after you die and SMGs are good once again, as the map design has much more close quarter areas. I was missing getting a great score using MP5K.
I used to play tons of Quake and Unreal man, I love FPS games. I don't play the single player modes because I just want to kill people :lol:
My friend has been playing MW2 online *exclusively* since he got an xbox a few months ago. I cannot comprehend why he won't at least give the campaign a spin. He's a total movie nut, and I know he would love the story, but he's been too busy running around in sandboxes trying to frag strangers.

I'm kind of the opposite. I played online with him for a few weeks, until I started learning the maps and holding my own, but then I got really bored with it. I want a story, advancement, development, and goals, not just stats and kills. But then I'm not a very competitive person, so I don't take much satisfaction in how many people I frag in an online match. The maps seem too claustrophobic to me as well. More open environments would be cool, but it would probably slow the game down too much for the target audience.

The above mentioned friend is now playing Black Ops, so I assume he'll never get the full MW2 experience, and I wouldn't be surprised if he completely ignores the campaign on Black Ops as well. Ah well. Too each his own.
But still, CoD 4 is probably the best MP out of the lot, except for Call of Duty: United Offensive. That game was FUCKING KICKASS.

Big +1

Although i've never played anything before CoD4 so I cant comment on the others. But everything after has been a massive let down. They have added too much stuff to the game, it used to be man vs man and the smartest/best won. Now its man vs (insert crazy gun attachment/killstreak/perk/equipment)
I have Bad Company 2 and played the new Medal of Honor at my friend's house (uses the same exact engine and shit from BC2) and they both suck ass. I fucking hate those games, I wish I could sell BC2 but a friend bought it for me and I'd feel bad. If it were on fire I wouldn't piss on it to put it out. But you know, if you like really fucking slow game play and if you suck at FPS games, BC2 and MOH are the way to go. I have a feeling most of the people that hate on CoD just can't handle the pace of the game online. Personally I could give a shit about the single-player modes of any of these games, I wish they would release an online-only version for half the price. I'd just buy that instead of paying $60 and only using "half" of the game.

single player campaign is fucking godly the neutered the Mp alot its still fun but could have been better i judge games on single player first then MP the single player of MOH isn't the BF2 engine and if they used that it would shit on Cod even more sounds like you only played online
Big +1

Although i've never played anything before CoD4 so I cant comment on the others. But everything after has been a massive let down. They have added too much stuff to the game, it used to be man vs man and the smartest/best won. Now its man vs (insert crazy gun attachment/killstreak/perk/equipment)

Yeah, this is pretty much my problem with it. CoD 4 managed to toe the line pretty perfectly. 3 killstreak rewards that added tactical depth and could rack you up a bunch of kills, but were still avoidable if you didn't suck, enough gun attachments to keep things interesting without ruining the balance.

Still ultimately came down to who had the best aim and knowing the maps well enough to constantly move between choke points and follow the flow of the match.

MW2 had too much luck thrown in for my personal liking. If I am playing an online game, I want to know that what is deciding whether I live or die is my SKILL, not random occurances. On a side note: this is also why Demon's Souls is so goddamn satisfying. If you die, it's because you suck.
That and the heartbeat sensor rendered the UAV totally and utterly pointless.
single player campaign is fucking godly the neutered the Mp alot its still fun but could have been better i judge games on single player first then MP the single player of MOH isn't the BF2 engine and if they used that it would shit on Cod even more sounds like you only played online


Yeah, this is pretty much my problem with it. CoD 4 managed to toe the line pretty perfectly. 3 killstreak rewards that added tactical depth and could rack you up a bunch of kills, but were still avoidable if you didn't suck, enough gun attachments to keep things interesting without ruining the balance.

Still ultimately came down to who had the best aim and knowing the maps well enough to constantly move between choke points and follow the flow of the match.

MW2 had too much luck thrown in for my personal liking. If I am playing an online game, I want to know that what is deciding whether I live or die is my SKILL, not random occurances. On a side note: this is also why Demon's Souls is so goddamn satisfying. If you die, it's because you suck.
That and the heartbeat sensor rendered the UAV totally and utterly pointless.

You absolutely nailed it dude. In COD4 I controlled if I died or not by making stupid decisions or playing smart. Now if i'm not running around like i'm on crack trying to outshoot everyone I have no hope. You used to be able to dominate an opposition by pinning them and controlling their movements by playing smart, now its just a bit mess of explosions and random happenings.

The old less is more adage goes for me when it comes to a good FPS.
single player campaign is fucking godly the neutered the Mp alot its still fun but could have been better i judge games on single player first then MP the single player of MOH isn't the BF2 engine and if they used that it would shit on Cod even more sounds like you only played online

Yeah I said I played MP online only... and again, I could give a shit about the single player, how it looks, how it compares to any other game... the multiplayer game mode is all I play, SP means jack shit to me.
For some reason I just bought it off Steam.

Dunno what came over me. *Shruggy*
Guess any of you guys that got it on PC should hit me up on steam though

steam id: thexrateddodo

i think i have a lot of sneapsters added already, but any of you who dont have me added, hit me up

I´ve managed to fix 99% of the lag on my game. For some pathetic reason, by default the game is set to single core use.

Go to "\Steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops\players"
Open "config_mp.cfg" on notepad
Search for the line r_multithreaded_device "0" and change it to r_multithreaded_device "1"
Run the game again

It will run MUCH smoother even with all the settings maxed out.